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How to change Grid Units in sub-reports

edited January 2007 in Subreports
I have a problem changing the grid units in RB 10.04:
- I created a new report.
- I set the Report > Grid units to milimetres.
- I created a sub-report.
- I changed the Report > Grid units to inches.

- The Main report grid is in inches.
- The sub-report is in milimetres.

How can I change the sub-report grid unit so that it is the same as the
main report?


  • edited January 2007
    Deirdre Mullen wrote:

    I have since figured out that the main report and the sub-report can
    have different grid units and that these can be controlled via the
    Report Tree.

    However, using the Report > Grid Units menu to do the same thing is
    confusing. I thought that this menu would set the grid units for the
    main report and child reports globally.

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