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Count details of SubReport

edited May 2007 in Subreports
I have a report that prints on TextFile. In this report I have one
SubReport and in Summary is necessary to print the number of lines (of
Detail?s SubReport).
In modules I have a global variable xCount: integer
In this Subreport:
I have one group with Header, footer and detail.
On BeforePrint of Detail I have a code:
Detail.Visible:= { then any records can don?t print.}
if (Detail.Visible) and (Report.FirstPass) then
xCount:= xCount + 1

In report Principal, on Summary I have a Label with event OnGetText:
Text:= InttoStr(xCount);

But, the number of lines in the file is not equal the xCount. I tryed others
events, but don?t is OK.

How I do?


Giovana Nunes


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