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Adding variables from subreport to main page

edited May 2007 in Subreports

I have a report, for ease it has uses 3 subreports On each of the three
subreport i have used the variable button to get a value.
subreport1: has a variable (variable1)
subreport2: has a variable (variable2)
subreport3: has a variable (variable3)

What i want to do is on the main page show what the total of these 3
variables are added together

so if variable 1 = 10, variable 2 = 20 and variable 3 = 30 then on the main
page the field should show 60.

I hope i have explained this clearly, i am not a programmer and have only
been using rbe a short while.



  • edited May 2007
    Hi Stuart,

    Are you a registered user of ReportBuilder or are you using an application
    with ReportBuilder built-in? In Delphi, you will have access to all
    variables created regardless if they are located in a subreport or not. In
    RAP, you will need to create a global variable for each subreport variable
    and use the globals in the main report rather than the actual variables.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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