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Calcs in SubReports Question.

edited August 2007 in Subreports
Hi Guys,

I have a sub report that has a fields qtyused 7 sell price. There is a
calculated field called LineTotal which is qtyused * sellprice. All OK.

I have a DBCalc filed which is summing LineTotal and resides in the sub report
summary band. This I call SubTotal.

I now wnat to create a variable, say TaxValue which is 1/10 of SubTotal. So I
have a Variable calc of Value := SubTotal.FieldValue / 10; under the SubTotal
in the summary band.

Problem is it only ever shows me the TaxValue of the first subtotal record in
all of the remiaining subtotals. It doesn't calculate the subsequent taxvalues.

I have the timing as Calculate On as DataPipelineTransversal, Data Pipeline as
Line_Items, Reset On as ReportEnd.

I have tried many permutations of these but no success.

Once I have this going I then want to add SubTotal & TaxVlut to create

Any thoughts/suggestion/directions welcome.

Regards & TIA,




  • edited August 2007
    I found it....Used the wrong attribute of the SubTotal.

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