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Subreport with columns

edited August 2007 in Subreports
?Good morning.

Here's my problem.

I have a master report and a subreport with column. In this example, the
master report have 4 record and the subreport print the detail of these 4

First, I tried to filter child subreport using methods first, next, prior
and last for the master datapipeline. This solution prints the master
datapipeline (4 page because i want I activate page break for the group)
correctly, but the detail is not correct. It prints the first correctly,
then print the first again for the next master record and the continue.
So it's always 1 late.

Second, I tried to filter child subreport using method
OnRecordPositionChange of the master datapipeline. It works fine for the
2 first records but then for the third page, the third master record is
good but the last one isn't printing. The child report for the forth
record print under the third child report with no header (master record).
So the report have 3 page (4 wanted as explained in 1.)

Do you have any solutions or clues ?



--- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com


  • edited August 2007

    For future reference, please spell out your name when posting to these

    I'm a bit unclear about what you are trying to accomplish. Are you linking
    these datasets in a Master-Detail relationship? How are you accessing your
    data? Are you using DADE? Have you tried using the AutoSearch feature of
    ReportBuilder to change the search condition of the detail dataset? This is
    the typical way of alter data output during report generation. Perhaps a
    bit more information about what your data looks like, and how you would like
    your report to behave will help me understand the best approach to take.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2007
    Hi, sorry my name is Jean-Fran?ois Nadeau.

    What I am trying to do... let me explain.

    To make it simple, I have customers (break) which have price lists. This
    is the master. Then I have family (break), product code (break) and
    prices related to them. This is the detail.

    I have no master detail relationship. I use Delphi 7 with RBuilder 7. The
    data is produced by an SQL procedure which return 2 datasets (master and
    detail). The first dataset contains the client with their price list. The
    second is made with price liste details which i need to dynamicaly link
    to the master dataset. I do this as described in my first message.

    Autosearch, never heard of it. Is it a property of the report ? I mainly
    use dynamic filtering. But I never done this with a report which have a
    subreport divided in columns.

    Hope this information is more clear.


    This is
    these 4


    --- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com
  • edited September 2007
    Hi Jean-François,

    Thank you however I was referring to the "From" section when you post,
    rather than JFN.

    How do you (which value are you using to) filter the detail dataset
    dynamically? In which event are you trying to do this? Are you able to get
    this report function correctly when you remove the columns from the

    Typically when trying to display a dynamic number of details for each master
    record, you will want to create a Master Detail relationship with your data
    and link the two on a common field. This is the way the Subreports in
    ReportBuilder were designed to function.

    Altering any dataset used by the report at runtime during report generation
    is risky and can cause timing issues. I would recommend taking a look at
    some of the Master-Detail demos located in the \RBuilder\Demos\1.
    Reports\... directory and the AutoSearch demos located in the
    \RBuilder\Demos\3. AutoSearch\... directory for some alternative ideas to
    creating this report.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.