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A subreport "goes away"

edited December 2007 in Subreports
I have a multiple report that has the following:

3 subreports:
Report #1 generated from Advantage SQL statement
Report #2 generated from Advantage SQL statement
Report #3 generated from a data routine that assigns the results to a
TStringGrid. The report values are "picked off" the string grid and assigned
to TppLabels.

Users have the option of selecting each report separately or all three

Report #1
Report #2
Report #3 - Summary

This report repot has worked great for years until my client requested a
modification to the report. Now the reports work as follows:

3 subreports:
Report #1 generated from Advantage SQL statement
Report #2 generated from Advantage SQL statement ON a temp table created
from a data routine
Report #3 generated from a data routine that assigns the results to a

The reports work great individually except for the "All' selection. The
problem is that Report #2 is missing and shows report #3 in it's place.

The "All" selection now displays as follows:

Report #1
Report #3 - Summary, instead of Report #2???
Report #3 - Summary

I have not changed any RB component properties. I do not have any idea on
what is going on here. Any thoughts?


Ken Brumback


  • edited December 2007
    Hi Ken,

    How are you loading the second report when the "All" option is selected?
    I'm guessing you changed your code on how this report is loaded. Try
    tracing through this and see if you can see why the third report is being
    loaded instead of the second.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2008

    The issue was with the DataSet.AfterClose event not any RB issues. Thanks,
This discussion has been closed.