parameters Wishlist
Hello folks,
I like the adition of parameters in report builder. But I think Report
Builder don't uses all of it's power.
With the information which I have, we need :
1. Parameter caption for an easy understanding from the end user.
2. Values accesible/editable from RAP for an easy way to set values like
parameter[0].values[1] := CurrentDate;
3. Easy way to set default values like currentdate or currentdate - 7 or
based in other parameters like parameter['DateOfIssue'].Values[0] :=
I like the adition of parameters in report builder. But I think Report
Builder don't uses all of it's power.
With the information which I have, we need :
1. Parameter caption for an easy understanding from the end user.
2. Values accesible/editable from RAP for an easy way to set values like
parameter[0].values[1] := CurrentDate;
3. Easy way to set default values like currentdate or currentdate - 7 or
based in other parameters like parameter['DateOfIssue'].Values[0] :=
This discussion has been closed.
Thanks for the suggestions.
1. You can currently change the UserName property of a parameter to give it
a more friendly name in the end-user designer.
2. It is possible to access all parameters from RAP using the
Report.Parameters property.
Report.Parameters['MyParameter'].Value := MyValue;
3. I'm a bit unclear about what you mean by "easy way to set default
values". Parameter defaults can be set at design time when the report is
designed or at runtime in code (Delphi or RAP) using the
OnInitializeParameters event.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Thank you for your interest.
This is true, but I cannot assing a real friendly name with some words like
"Date of issue" and not "DateOfIssue"
This is also true, but for a report parameter is more important the 'Values'
property than 'Value' which is not directly editable.
Sorry, this question is not really well explained but is more about the
second question.
Basically I'm talking about the Values property which is read-only now and I
think it need to be rap accesible and rap editable. "Values" is the more
important element of tparameter because 90% of the reports work with
soBetween or soInList.
I'm using two simple pass-through functions to get or set individual
elements of the values property. This make me able to show autosearch
dialogs with nicely prepopulated fields.
I'm not sure if this is ok, but using fieldAlias instead UserName I can show
a diferent caption like "Start Date and time of job"
Thanks for the clarification and suggestions. We will consider these
changes for a later release of ReportBuilder.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors