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Section Subreport

edited January 2008 in Subreports

I have 3 section subreports contained within 3 regions (one for each) in the
main detail band but they are not printing. Only regions are shows.

I?m using 3 DBPipelines (one for each subreport) connected with differents
datasources but all datasources are connected with the same dataset

I try to connect datasources with differents datasets (linking to the same
file) but isn?t work.

Can anyone help me?

P.S - I need to use 3 subreports linking to the same file because the same
information must be showed with differents layouts.



  • edited January 2008
    Hi Veri,

    Are the regions set to Stretch? If you take the subreports out of the
    regions are they still not visible? Try simplifying the report so that you
    only have the three subreport objects in the detail band and see if you can
    find the issue.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2008
    Hi Nico,

    I take the subreports out of the regions and now they are printing!!!

    Thanks!!! :-)

  • edited January 2008
    Hi Nico,

    Now they are printing but the subreports property ParentPrinterSetup isn?t
    setting . So in the report preview if i select other printer name for
    example , it isn?t accepted.

    I try to change the childs printersetup in the PrintDialogClose event ( with
    this code : 'TppChildReport.PrinterSetup.printername :=
    TppReport.PrinterSetup.printername;')but isn?t work.

    Can you help me?



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