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Report with a child report followed by a section report

edited January 2008 in Subreports

I have a report with the following structure

Contract Details (Child Sub report)
Meter Readings (Section Sub Report)
Current Meter Readings (Child)
Previous Readings (Child)

How do I get the Contract Details Report to come before the meter readings

It keeps coming up at the end of the report

I have tried putting a region at the start of the band and then shifting the
contract details report relative to this, but it does not work

I have seen something about the report engine getting confused when it
encounters a child and section sub report on the same band

Re: Report with pbChild and pbSection sub report on Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005
08:39:45 -0600

Placing a Child subreport and a Section subreport in the same band tends to
confuse the report engine. Try placing two Section style subreports inside
your detail band, the first one containing the chart and child subreport and
the second being your portrait subreport. This should keep the separation

However, the solution mentioned above will not work for me, as a section
report starts on a new page, so page 1 of my report would only contain a
header, I want the header, then the contract details, then to start a new
page for the meter readings section report




  • edited January 2008
    Hi Paul,

    One option would be to remove the header from the main report and move its
    contents to the header of the first section subreport (mentioned in the
    previous post). Otherwise, you might try placing the child subreport in a
    different band such as a group header.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2008
    How would the pipelines work for this Nico?

    I dont think the first one will work, because I need the child report to
    have its own pipeline

    I think your suggestion would lead to header being displayed followed by the
    meter reading report, but the contract details report would not then be
    displayed till afterwards, or am I missing something?

    Where would the group header band go?

  • edited January 2008
    Hi Paul,

    This is what I had in mind...

    The main report only has a detail band with two section subreports inside.
    The first section subreport is not connected to any data and contains a
    header band (containing all the info from the original main report's header)
    and a detail band with a child subreport connected to the contract details

    The second section subreport will be connected to the Meter Readings data
    and be the same as the original report's section subreport.

    Main Report (Detail band only)
    Detail Band
    Section Subreport
    Header Band
    Detail Band
    Child Subreport (Contract Details)
    Section Subreport (Meter Readings)


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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