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Report BeforePrint does not fire with dynamic embedded report

edited March 2008 in Subreports
I'm creating a composite report by dynamically creating subreports and then
embedding the external reports that I need. However, I'm finding that the
beforeprint events of the external reports aren't firing when the composit
report prints.

It seems to me that they should fire. Otherwise, what would you advise to
get my beforeprint functionality to print in this scenario?

Thank you.


  • edited March 2008

    Report and ChildReport share a common ancestor - CustomReport. However,
    Report adds events for handling the report generation process - one of which
    is BeforePrint. When assigning Report to SubReport, it is treated like a
    ChildReport and thus events such as BeforePrint are not going to fire.

    I would try using the main report's BeforePrint event to manually iterate
    over the embedded reports and fire the BeforePrint event for each.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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