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first line showing twice on report

edited October 2008 in Subreports

I'm using a stored procedure to create a list to be shown on the report.
When I execute the SP all data is correct but on the report the first line
sometimes shows twice for no apparent reason.

I also noticed that on some multipage reports the last line of page 1 gets
repeated on page 2 and after scrolling through the pages (1-5, 5-1) it
starts repeating even more lines. This can't be a problem with my code
since the contents of each page changes when going forward and backwards.



  • edited October 2008

    There are no known issues such as you describe.

    What is your environment? Windows version, Delphi version, database, data
    access components, etc.

    As a test try commenting out all event-handler code associated with the
    report. Make sure you do not have any event-handler code that manipulates
    the data in any manner. This can cause the report engine to get lost - thus
    pagination will not work. Make sure the dataset supports bidirectional

    If you still have an issue, dump the data out to a TClientDataSet. Create a
    simple, minimal example project using RB and stanard Delphi components. Send
    in zip format to support@digital-metaphors.com. We can run it here and check
    it out.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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