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Possible to 'wrap' lines?

edited May 2011 in General
In a previous character based reporting system we were able to 'wrap' lines
on the page to get additional information to print as tho it were all on one

Can you think of any way to emulate this behaviour using RB?


RB 12.04 Server / Delphi 2007 / Oracle 10G


  • edited May 2011
    Hi Jon,

    I'm a bit unclear about your requirement. Wrapping a line of text so it
    prints as one line of text seems like a contradiction.

    Could you explain this in a different way perhaps or show me what you
    are trying to accomplish?


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2011
    Nico - It is a strange thing to describe.

    For example if you had an infinitely wide sheet of paper you might have 25
    columns on it like this:

    AMT1 AMT2 AMT3 AMT4 AMT5 .... AMT25

    If the paper itself can only accomodate 15 columns what we did in the past
    was to wrap the lines and offset it to make it more readable:

    AMT1 AMT2 AMT3 AMT4 AMT5 .... AMT15
    AMT16 AMT17 AMT18 AMT19 AMT20 ... AMT25

    This was an easy task in a character based reporting system - just by
    inserting a CRLF and a couple of spaces gave us the desired results.

    I have experimented with RB and haven't stumbled on a way to do it.


  • edited May 2011
    Hi Jon,

    Thanks for the explanation.

    Where do the values AMT1, AMT2, etc. come from?

    Are they actual field values traversing left to right (with a single DB
    field being used) or are they static column headings that will have
    field values under them?

    Or will you need to dynamically create them based on how many you have?


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2011
    They are actual field values that come from a single row of data.

    Right now I'm using static column headings and fields and making them
    visible as needed. So a single report could have a hundred pages, each with
    varying numbers of columns visible on the page. So it appears to the user
    they are dynamically created but in reality they are static.

    One suggestion that came in was to make a two page wide report, much like
    you can do in MS Excel. Can reportbuilder do this?


  • edited May 2011
    Hi Jon,

    Thanks again. Depending on how the rest of your report is designed, it
    may be possible to get the staggered column look using left to right
    columns (perhaps in a separate subreport).

    Before exploring that option, I suggest taking a look at the following
    article on how to create a spreadsheet style report (with the design you
    mention at the bottom of your last post). This will allow you to move
    the the next page if the columns do not fit on the first.



    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.