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Master to 2 Detail

edited May 2011 in General
I have a report that has one master record with 2 related detail records.
These are linked queries with two detail datasets linked to the master.

I would expect the master record to be supressed when I set the links on
both to NOT include the master when no detail is present in either detail
query. What I get is one master record with no detail.

Is it correct I should get no master records under the conditions I

Thanks. Jon Gray

RB 12.04 Server / Delphi 2007 / Oracle 10G


  • edited May 2011
    Hi Jon,

    As a test, I created a master with two details report with the first two
    master records having no details. These two master records did not show
    up when previewing the report. This is the behavior I expected as the
    SkipWhenNoRecords property was set to True for both detail pipelines.
    Are you sure both detail pipelines have this property set?


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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