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Problem with TppSMTPPlugIn

edited June 2011 in General
This is the first time I've tried email with Indy . I need to send a series
of emails without user intervention if a warning message appears.

I am using ReportBuilder 12.01
I placed ppSMTPIndy10 in the Uses clause
When I compile, I get an error on the statement...
The error says "Undeclared identifier - TppSMTPPlugIn

What am I doing wrong ?




  • edited June 2011
    Hi Whit,

    The TppSMTPPlugin class is in the ppSMTPCustom.pas file. Adding that to
    your uses clause should solve the problem.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2011
    Thanks Nico,

    I added ppSMTPCustom,ppSMTPIndy10 to the Uses clause and I no longer get
    an error on the statement TppSMTPPlugIn.RegisterClass(TppSMTPIndy);

    But, when I have those two units listed in Uses and have the TppSMTPPLugIN
    statement in the code below, no EMail is generated when I execute the code.

    If I comment out the tppSMTPPlugIn statement below but leave the two units
    in the Uses clause, I still don't get an email when the code is executed.

    If I comment out the tppSMTPPlugIn Statement, and comment out the two units
    in the uses clause, the following code does send an email, but I get a
    warning message, I think from my anti-virus software, saying that a program
    is trying to send an email and do I want to deny or allow. I was trying to
    skirt that warning message by using Indy to send the email. When I send an
    email directly from within Outlook, I do not get that warning message.

    Am I still doing something wrong?



    procedure TfMainForm.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
    ppReport1.Emailsettings.previewinemailclient := false; //Gets rid of
    Outlook form showing
    ppreport1.EmailSettings.Recipients.Text := 'whit1950@ameritech.net';
    ppreport1.EmailSettings.Subject := 'Audit Trail from ' +
    ppreport1.emailsettings.body.text := 'User License: ' +
    dm1.tblSysMasProductLicense.asstring + chr(13) +
    'Product Version: ' +
    dm1.tblSysMasProductVersion.AsString + chr(13) +
    'Run By: ' +
    GetMyNetUserName + chr(13) +
    'Run At: ' +
    datetostr(Now)+ ' ' + timetostr(Now);

    ppreport1.EmailSettings.showemaildialog := false; //get rid of ReportB
    uilder Email form showing


  • edited June 2011
    Hi Whit,

    1. When you take the ppSMTPIndy10 unit out of the uses clause, you are
    using the default email plugin (MAPI). This plugin sends email through
    your installed email client (outlook). When you try to send an email
    silently using MAPI you get the Microsoft solution to spamming
    applications (allow/deny screen).

    2. Indy allows you to connect directly to your mail server and send
    silently. You are required however to define more properties such as
    the mail server address, username, password, etc.

    I suggest spending some time with the Email and Indy help docs as well
    as the following articles to get better acquainted with the feature.




    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2011
    Thanks Nico

This discussion has been closed.