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More page header and footer

edited June 2011 in General
I need to recreate a report with the Report Builder. (the report was
create with Crystal).
My question is, is there any way how I can add more page header or footer?
In crystal it's possible.
I need this, to set conditions, If the condition of the header/footer is
false, the header/footer will be set invisible, and all of the
header/footer below will be move up and fill the gap, i hope you
understand me ;)



  • edited June 2011
    One option is to use a Region to represent each version of the Header and
    then conditionally set the Region.Visible property to true/false.

    Another option is to use a Subreport to represent each version of the Header
    and then conditionally set the Subreport.Visible property to true/false. Set
    each subreport to PrintBehavior pbFixed and size it's height to occupy the
    size of the header. For the child report layout remove the header/footer and
    use the detail band to contain the elements for the header.

    A third option is to use one Subreport set to pbFixed and then conditionally
    different child report layouts. Subreport.Report.Template (set FileName and
    call LoadFromFile)

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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