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SubReport error on version upgrade 97 to 117

edited July 2009 in Subreports
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  • edited July 2009
    In method

    function TppPrintable.CheckForPipelineData: Boolean;

    the following lines are what is causing the problem, and they don't
    exist in the 97 version.

    else if (DataPipeline.GetFieldForName(FDataField) = nil) and
    Printing then
    FDataField := '';
    Result := False;

    So what's that all about?

  • edited July 2009

    Not trying to pick on you, but

    1. It is against the newsgroup rules to post attachements. Please read this


    2. Please configure your newsreader to post using your name: Mark Bracey

    3. Check the Help | About box of the Report Designer to determine the exact
    RB version you are using. ("97" and '117" are not RB version numbers, they
    are package suffixes that indicate RB major version and Delphi major

    RB 11.05 is the latest version. It does not contain the code you reference -
    the issue you are encountering has been resolved.

    I recommend updating to RB 11.05. If you did not receive notification about
    RB 11.05, please send serial number and registration details to
    info@digital-metaphors.com and request it. Please configure your junk/spam
    filter to accept email from 'digital-metaphors.com'

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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