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Passing data main report to a subreport

edited September 2009 in Subreports
Report Builder 10.03

I have a problem I need help with...

I am printing a Pay Stubs with Report Builder and I have the main report
divided into subreports for the check/voucher, earnings, deductions and
totals. What I want to do now is add another subreport in which I can
calculate the employee's direct deposit amounts.

The data table which contains the direct deposit account numbers and other
information does not have any fields which can be used to link to the table
containing the payroll data, so I need to find a way to pass the NetPay
total from the Main report to the DirectDeposit report.

Any suggestions would be helpful, and please be detailed because I am a
complete beginner with Report Builder (I saw the tutorial for passing data
from a subreport to the main report, but couldn't figure out how to reverse
the process).



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