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Subreport Size problem / Behaviour change

edited September 2010 in Subreports
Currently using 11.04 on D2007. We have had a weird problem on a report that
used to work fine on our old RB 5 / D4 version.

A subreport has been placed on the main report to display invoice totals.
Within the subreport the title is set to a dynamic height & is visible. The
detail & footer bands are not visible. The height will end up being about
0.86 inches.

On the main body of the report where the sub-report has been placed, this is
set to a height of approx 0.83 inches so part of the data isn't shown. On
the RB 5 version this does not seem to be an issue as the sub-report seems
to dynamically size itself and I have also noticed that on RB 5 there is a
Stretch property on the sub report that seems to be permanently on. This
property is not there on 11.04.

So we increase the height of the sub-report on the main report & it prints
OK - can someone please explain this behaviour change & let me know if there
is a new/different property that needs set in 11.04.

More worryingly we have an event on the sub-reports pipeline ( plHead ) on
the Next event. This is to work out the current page number so we can save
this to a db table, ( ie Invoice 1 starts @ page 1 ends page 3, Invoice 2
starts @ page 4 end page 5 etc) so we save the report to a file & allow
reprints to be done for specific invoices from this table.

This event does not seem to fire if the subreport height on the main report
is not large enough to fit the subreport so we have got some seriously
corrupt data!!!

Any ideas anyone?



  • edited September 2010
    Hi Tim,

    Subreports use the different print behaviors to determine whether they will
    stretch or not. My guess is that the subreport's PrintBehavior property is
    set to pbFixed essentially rendering it unable to stretch. Changing this to
    pbChild should fix the stretching issue.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2010
    Hi Nico,

    The subreport is set to pbChild. I'm not sure if I mentioned but the
    subreport has been placed in the Footer section of the main report. Other
    subreports in the Detail section seem to stretch OK. Just looks like it may
    be the footer section.

  • edited September 2010
    Hi Tim,

    Yes, the FooterBand is not capable of stretching. It is the only
    permanently static band in ReportBuilder. If you need a page footer to be
    dynamic height, you will need to use a group footerband or the summary band.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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