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AV When Closing App

edited June 2012 in General
RBuilder 14.04
Delphi 2010

date/time : 2012-06-20, 17:31:00, 344ms
operating system : Windows XP Service Pack 3 build 2600
system language : English
processor : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
physical memory : 1316/2047 MB (free/total)
display mode : 1600x900, 32 bit
process id : $b68
allocated memory : 273.38 MB
executable : MyApp.exe
exec. date/time : 2012-06-20 12:19
compiled with : Delphi 2010
madExcept version : 3.0l
callstack crc : $5fffaebe, $be5d62b3, $be5d62b3
exception number : 1
exception class : EInvalidPointer
exception message : Invalid pointer operation.

main thread ($a38):
00405b7d +11 MyApp.exe System 2379 +0 TObject.FreeInstance
0040613e +02 MyApp.exe System 2379 +0 @ClassDestroy
004c8336 +2a MyApp.exe Graphics TBrush.Destroy
00405bc0 +08 MyApp.exe System 2379 +0 TObject.Free
00b0d2ed +11 MyApp.exe ppDrwCmd 1057 +1 TppDrawShape.Destroy
00405bc0 +08 MyApp.exe System 2379 +0 TObject.Free
00afd88a +42 MyApp.exe ppRelatv 461 +6
00b08478 +00 MyApp.exe ppDevice 2498 +0
00b07ecd +0d MyApp.exe ppDevice 2259 +1 TppPage.Destroy
00405bc0 +08 MyApp.exe System 2379 +0 TObject.Free
004b2e66 +16 MyApp.exe Contnrs TObjectList.Notify
0049de14 +8c MyApp.exe Classes TList.SetCount
0049d92f +07 MyApp.exe Classes TList.Clear
0049d8d7 +0f MyApp.exe Classes TList.Destroy
00405bc0 +08 MyApp.exe System 2379 +0 TObject.Free
00b66c9d +21 MyApp.exe ppPageRenderer 196 +3 TppPageRenderer.Destroy
00405bc0 +08 MyApp.exe System 2379 +0 TObject.Free
00b6afbc +24 MyApp.exe ppScreenDevice 924 +4
00405bc0 +08 MyApp.exe System 2379 +0 TObject.Free
00b6da47 +27 MyApp.exe ppViewr 449 +6 TppViewer.Destroy
005659b2 +ae MyApp.exe Controls TWinControl.Destroy
0056df5d +1d MyApp.exe Controls TCustomControl.Destroy
005659b2 +ae MyApp.exe Controls TWinControl.Destroy
00588f3c +38 MyApp.exe Forms
0058a0bd +f9 MyApp.exe Forms TCustomForm.Destroy
012b5e58 +c8 MyApp.exe CustomModule 238 +14
0134c0fd +3d MyApp.exe ModuleReportPreview 167 +6
005659b2 +ae MyApp.exe Controls TWinControl.Destroy
0056df5d +1d MyApp.exe Controls TCustomControl.Destroy
0094d4c6 +3e MyApp.exe cxPC 10533 +6 TcxTabSheet.Destroy
005659b2 +ae MyApp.exe Controls TWinControl.Destroy
0056df5d +1d MyApp.exe Controls TCustomControl.Destroy
006800c3 +7b MyApp.exe cxControls 3022 +9 TcxControl.Destroy
00944fc7 +8f MyApp.exe cxPC 5864 +6
004ad6ab +57 MyApp.exe Classes
00587d11 +35 MyApp.exe Forms DoneApplication
0046e17e +26 MyApp.exe SysUtils DoExitProc
00406e05 +65 MyApp.exe System 2379 +0 @Halt0
013c7fae +ca MyApp.exe TisWin3 122 +19 initialization


  • edited June 2012
    Hi Jack,

    Thanks for the info however simply posting a call stack dump does not
    give us enough information to track down or fully understand a problem.

    1. Please upgrade your version of ReportBuilder to 14.05 and re-test
    your application.

    2. If the issue still occurs, we are going to need more information
    about what conditions are necessary to reliably recreate the problem.
    Does it occur with every report?

    3. Once you have upgraded, please try to create a simple example I can
    run on my machine using only Delphi and RB components that recreates the
    problem. Send the example to support@digital-metaphors.com in .zip
    format and I'll take a look at it for you.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.