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Access violation at address 771DC819 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Read of address 00000114

edited July 2012 in General
Scenario: Com services is in delphi rb 11 and reports are compiled in
delphi rb9.

Issue: if try to call com services to save report in pdf, we get
catastrophic failure. (Some of clients)
"Access violation at address 771DC819 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Read of
address 00000114"

Our Assumption: Report builder is compatible with older version.

We already have licensed rb14, but our issue is on site with above
scenario (We cannot make change on client, so please don't suggest us to
update report builder).

Many of our client are complaining about this issue? We know that their
is user permission issue. we would like to hear from you what permission
can cause this issue.
At some of the clients, If we change the login user to any other user,
sometime it works, but we don't know what services login, user security,
user local policys are impacting the reportbuilder to work perfectly.

We can't figure it out, what type of permission do the login user of
services need to make it working. We kept debug, eurakelog information
in our reporting services but no help it gives "Access violation at
address 771DC819 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Read of address 00000114"

Also we are using Licencsed Report builder 14.0 for our new projects
which are in pipeline. We are using report builder since day 1 (more
then 15 years),
Now We are loosing faith in Report builder. we are waiting for right

Hopefully for some suggestion.
Dharmesh Panchal


--- posted by geoForum on http://www.newswhat.com


  • edited July 2012
    Hi Dharmesh,

    We have not seen this behavior before. In order to move forward with a
    solution however, we are going to need more information about the issue.

    1. Which exact versions of ReportBuilder and Delphi are you using on the
    client site?

    2. What exact actions are the customers taking to produce this error?

    3. Does it occur with every report or a select few? Does it occur on an
    empty report?

    4. Is there a printer installed? Does this occur with every printer
    selected or just a few (or no printer)?

    5. Does this issue occur on every machine the customer uses?

    6. Are you able to recreate this on any of your machines or is this only
    reproducible at the customer site?

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2012
    ?1. Which exact versions of ReportBuilder and Delphi are you using on
    client site?
    --> Reports are design and compiled in report builder 9.02 and saved in
    database and our reporting services, to print report is in report
    builder 11.05

    2. What exact actions are the customers taking to produce this error?
    --> Com server application in delphi make com call to reporting service
    to generate report and save the report in specific folder.

    Webserver create instance of com and com server create instance of
    reporting service to generate report, It save it in output stream and
    write in PDF file type.

    --> We also tested it without calling from webserver, still get same

    3. Does it occur with every report or a select few? Does it occur on an
    empty report?
    --> Each and every report with data and without data.

    4. Is there a printer installed? Does this occur with every printer
    selected or just a few (or no printer)?
    --> I can't understand, how report builder interact with printer,
    eventhough my device type is PDF.
    --> I am using report service compiled with version 11.05 and I hope as
    per your document. It shouldn't interact with printer while device type
    is PDF
    --> Why default printer settings are required for version above 9.02?
    --> Why it works ok with same setting with version 9.02?

    5. Does this issue occur on every machine the customer uses?
    --> Some of the webclient are working fine with Windows XP machine.
    Webserver where report gets generated is Windows 2008.
    --> Eventhough on webserver, if we try to make call from vbscript (no
    interaction with IIS) then also we get same issue.
    --> If we use our old reporting service compile with version 9.02, it
    work fine, while new reporting service compile with versrion 11.05 gives
    me error

    6. Are you able to recreate this on any of your machines or is this only
    reproducible at the customer site?
    --> We are able to replicate the issue with specific login user which
    launch com reporting services, but domain user having full privileges
    works fine.

    --> We try to debug the code and also compiled with eureka log but
    report builder code is not able to capture it.

    --> We found report gets generated and saved to file, if we compile the
    reporting services in report builder 9.02. we did this test using
    vbscript calling reporting service to generate report 50 time and all

    --> Same test fail 40/50 times if reporting services in report builder

    --> If we change the login user with user having all rights and
    permission and full privelidges everything works.

    --> We tried to put debug and eureka log but report builder source is
    not able to capture the exception.


    --- posted by geoForum on http://www.newswhat.com
  • edited July 2012
    Finally reseting the printer, fix the issue. But it was hard to trace it
    out. Can you please give us exact idea how it works while device type is
    PDF and how it works while device type is printer. Can you please send
    us flow chart. I would appreciate if you give me some idea how to
    simulate and fix this type of issue. You document gives wrong idea about
    it. It's says that in new version while device type is not printer, it
    doesn't look for default printer, but I think this is totally wrong.

    Report Builder is not able to handle this exception.


    --- posted by geoForum on http://www.newswhat.com
  • edited July 2012
    Hi Dharmesh,

    ReportBuilder relies heavily on the printer to make text (and other)
    measurements during generation to the screen and printer. Currently it
    also occasionally uses the printer for text measurement and font
    information in the PDF device as well. We realize this limitation for
    systems such as yours so we are gradually phasing out the need for the
    PDF device to use the printer object.

    RB 11 used the printer extensively for PDF. RB 14 only uses the printer
    for creating PDF files in a few places. The next major release will not
    use the printer at all to create PDF files.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2012
    ?Thanks for reply. I hope new version will resolve our issue. Also I
    hope that new version of documentation is provided for every build.
    Report builder, documentation is misleading about this scenario.


    --- posted by geoForum on http://www.newswhat.com
  • edited August 2012
    After we update our ReportService from report builder 9.02 to 11.05,
    Most of the Clients are complaining about the End Reporting.
    In our scenario we are Generating PDF File and save it in specific

    We have to spend most of the time in simulating this issue on client
    Everytime we have to inform them to restart webserver on live system,
    which is very costly solution after making changes in default printer.
    Previously while we were using 9.02 we were using Extradevices
    (Devicetype = PDFFile)
    and in 11.05 and all later version we are not using Extra devices
    with Devicetype = PDF.
    I think Report builder PDF Generation is not reliable, It rely on
    Can you please suggest use what to do in this type of scenario.
    Whether we should not trust report builder PDFDevice and purchase Extra
    devices for PDF or we should stop using report builder for future use.

    I would appreciate, If you can give me work around for our client site
    or any tools that could help us to simulate the issue.

    Right now, We don't know what's going wrong. we have not made any change
    in code, except removing component of Extra devices and changing value
    of Devicetype = PDF.


    --- posted by geoForum on http://www.newswhat.com
  • edited August 2012
    Hi Dharmesh,

    My first suggestion would be to upgrade your version of ReportBuilder to
    11.08 (the latest RB 11 version) and retest. Also make sure your
    customer is using the latest version of the printer driver available for
    the printer they are using.

    Contact info@digital-metaphors.com with your serial number and
    purchasing email for upgrade instructions (free upgrade).

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2012

    Thank you for quick response, Is it required to have compulsary 11.08 or
    We can use 12.05. I did this try using 12.05 but doesn't help me.

    We have licensed version of Report Builder Enterprise for Delphi 6 12.05.
    I would soon send you license information and purchase order details
    once I get bit of clarification.

    Dharmesh Panchal


    --- posted by geoForum on http://www.newswhat.com
  • edited August 2012
    Hi Dharmesh,

    If you are getting the same behavior with RB 12.05, it is unlikely
    upgrading to 11.08 will solve the main problem.

    That being said, we made hundreds of fixes to the product between
    versions 11.05 and 12.05 so it is highly recommended that you upgrade
    your system.

    The Printer in RB is an abstract concept that is fundamental to Report
    generation. When a printer is available, RB uses its specifications to
    generate reports (including PDF). When no printer is available, an
    internal "Screen Printer" is created and used.

    When testing your app with RB 12.05, try setting the
    PrinterSetup.PrinterName to "Screen". This is the default selection
    when a printer is not installed and will force RB to create and use an
    internal canvas to process reports.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.