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Static detail with subreport

edited October 2012 in Subreports

I want do print using a A4 paper, two forms A5 size (half A4).
Each A5 form I will print a master/detail invoice. If invoice have
more items than A5 support, it will be printed on next form.

I have two tables:
- invoice
|-- invoice items

I created a report with detail, without header, footer, title, summary.

Detail = pipeline invoice.
Them i created a group for invoice number.
Group header height + detail height = A5 size

DETAIL is phStatic.

Them I tested report and it printed ok.

After that I put a fixed subreport with pipeline set to invoice items.

I tested again the report and if the invoice have more items than A5
form support, it printed on next form.
The problem occured if first invoice printed has more items than A5
form support. It skipped next form and printed on next page.

|invoice 1 |
|company ABCD |
|item 1 |
|item 2 |
|..... |
| |
|item 20 |

|invoice 1 | this print on next page and half of paper A4
|company ABCD | is blanked. This is the problem.
|item 21 |
|item 22 |
| |
| |
| |

Next page

|invoice 2 |
|company BCED |
|item 1 |
|item 2 |
| |
| |
| |

|invoice 3 |
|company DBCE |
|item 1 |
|item 2 |
|item 3 |
| |
| |

Next page

Best regards

Sergio Melchiori


  • edited October 2012
    Hi Sergio,

    I'm a bit unclear about what you would like to happen. If invoice1 does
    not fit and invoice2 does, do you want page 2 to show the remainder of
    invoice1 and invoice3? You can try setting the ReprintOnOverflow
    property of the second subreport to True and see if that gives you the
    correct output.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2012
    Hi Nico,

    there is only one (1) subreport. Main report with subreport for detail.

    Each page A4 size print two (2) A5 form. If subreport (detail) doens´t
    fit at A5 form, it should print on next A5 form. And it will go until
    subreport finish.

    When report start, if first A5 form has more items than can fit, it
    skip the second form and start a new page. I don´t want a new page,
    that is the problem.

    ReprintOnOverflow property is set to true.

    Best regards

    Sergio Melchiori

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