Cute PDF Writer - for your information
We have spent considerable time today trying to find out why a PDF report
printed via Report Builder was not being rendered in the PDF correctly.
We finally found out what the customer was doing, apparently they were
printing the report to Cute PDF writer and it was this pdf that was not
rendering correctly. The report used Page Layers and the Page Layer was
being printed but not the Foreground.
This is not an issue but we post this in case you get similar issues from
other customers.
Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
Philip L Jackson
We have spent considerable time today trying to find out why a PDF report
printed via Report Builder was not being rendered in the PDF correctly.
We finally found out what the customer was doing, apparently they were
printing the report to Cute PDF writer and it was this pdf that was not
rendering correctly. The report used Page Layers and the Page Layer was
being printed but not the Foreground.
This is not an issue but we post this in case you get similar issues from
other customers.
Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
Philip L Jackson
This discussion has been closed.
Thanks for the information, however I'm a bit unclear about what was
happening. I assume CutePDF is simply a printer driver your customer
has installed on their machine. This means that the report components
are "printed" the say way it would to a normal printer in z-order.
PageLayers are an abstract concept that only apply to the design of a
report. During generation, the components inside a Page/BandLayer are
simply given a z-order to allow them to print either before or after (in
front or behind) other components on a page.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
You are correct in your understanding, the document was 'printed' to a
printer driver installed on the machine.
Obviously CutePDF has got its z order wrong and is printing the body of the
report behind the Page Layer.
As I said - not a problem but thought you would like to know in case anyone
came to you with a similar issue.
Best wishes