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ANN: ReportBuilder 14.08 is now available

edited January 2013 in General

Digital Metaphors Corporation announces the release of ReportBuilder 14.08!

ReportBuilder 14.08 includes VCL support for Delphi XE3, XE2, XE, 2010,
2009, 2007, 2006, and Delphi 7.

Notification emails have been sent to all registered users of
ReportBuilder 14.x. If you did not receive notification of this release
please send message to info@digital-metaphors.com with your serial
number and purchasing email address for upgrade instructions.

Overview & screenshots:

New Feature List: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/PDF/NewFeatures.pdf

Pricing: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/order/

Upgrade Now!

Enhancements for RB 14.08

- Data Tree, enhanced sort to use AnsiCompareText rather than CompareText
- Report Tree, enhanced to save/load report tree height to ini storage
- HTMLDevice, enhanced to enable ImageFolderName to be empty string
- SQLText, allow :ParamName refs w/out corresponding
Report.Parameters[] item
- RAP RTTI, added support for AutoSearchField.LookupList
- RAP RTTI, added support for Chart.View3D
- PrintDialog, improved FileName editing behavior for select all case

Bug Fixes for RB 14.08

- Data Tree, DataPipelines on different datamodules nested incorrectly
- Object Inspector, row height not increased when using Windows Large

- CustomText, Font.Color was not being loaded
- PrinterSetup, defaut Duplex dpNone, Collection True, Copies 1
- Stretchable, fix case when KeepTogether and MinHeight specified
- RotatedText, autosize rotated text not expanded in correct direction
- Band, MoveObject, in some cases List Index Out of Bounds error can occur
- Band gradient was not showing when brush color was white

- fix columnar report end, when last group footer needs to print in
next col

- fix for exception handling

- RTF form, wrapped lines not separated for text boxes
- XLSData, export memos w/out carriage returns, let cell wrap text
- PDF, single word line w/justification was not spacing correctly
- PDF, text boxes were not drawn correctly when autosized
- PDF, fixed range check errors when exporting Unicode text
- Printer, CustomPrinter.BeginDoc needs to re-raise exception
- Email, Raise exception when email error occurs

------> Enterprise <----------

- Code Editor (D2007 & prior), // comments not highlighted correctly
- Code Module, mod to preserve backward compatibility resolving object

Digital Metaphors Corporation
This discussion has been closed.