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cannot open pipeline

edited August 2002 in Datapipelines
At run time on only one computer in the office, we get the error cannot
open plCustomer. On all other computers (running the same compiled app)
it runs as expected. Is there something I should look for? The
computer in question is a PIII with 64 meg of RAM and a very cheap 15"




  • edited August 2002
    Can that computer connect to the data? Take RB out of the picture for a
    test. Try a simple TTable, TDatasource and a TDBGrid on a form on a test app
    which connects to the database. Can the grid show the records for a
    customer table on this machine?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2002
    Yes the user connects to the data and we can connect to the printer as
  • edited August 2002
    There has to be a problem with the conifiguration of that report for that
    macine. Now that you have the datasource providingthe correct data, can you
    connect this datasource to a datapipeline to a new report with a very basic
    report in it? Does that test report print on the problematic machine?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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