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RB 14.04 Print Preview issues

edited January 2014 in General
Hello all,

I've just updated an app that was done in RB 6 (maybe 7?). I'm now
using 14.04 in Delphi 7. The new version of the app has sprung a
problem with Print Preview.

There seem to be random problems, including double-showing a line in
Preview, but printing correctly (Unfortunately, the users don't always
go to the print step, using the report generation simply as a quick way
to get some analytic info). The other issue seems to be substituting
certain values on a line from the one above it. Again, ONLY in print
preview. The printout is correct.

In one example, the line properly differentiated in the first four
fields on the form, and then copied fields five and six from the one

The two fields do have OnGetText events. The first field checks a
checked box on the form. If checked it runs a routine to chop off the
first few letters of the text and the last two. The procedure remains
untouched in at least a decade. The second field looks to another field
on that row in the database. If not empty, it replaces the text of the
sixth field. Again, untouched in something approaching a decade.

That said, this app has been untouched at all for almost four years.
It just worked. But, the customer asked for a slight change in some
report filtering and some new code replacements in printouts and I was
thinking it might ONLY be a 15-minute job. Before I discovered the old
app still used a bunch of add-ins for exporting to PDF, Excel and HTML,
as well as some rotated text, again through an add-in. The QUOTED fix
has turned into a two day job for the low, low price of a half-hour's
billing. Ahhh, it's great to be confident AND stupid.

And the problems still continue.

Any guidance from anyone would be greatly appreciated.


  • edited January 2014
    Hi Gary,

    Please upgrade your version of ReportBuider to 14.08 and re-test your
    application. If you are still having an issue after this, try setting
    the PreviewFormSettings.SinglePageOnly property (or
    Viewer.SinglePageOnly if you are using a TppViewer) to False. If you
    are loading templates, be sure you set these properties after the
    template is loaded.

    Contact info@digital-metaphors.com with your serial number and
    purchasing email address for upgrade instructions.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2014
    Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) wrote:


    My fingers betray me. I'm on pretty decent meds due to some health
    issues and I screwed up. I was trying to update with version 12.04. I
    twigged to that when I couldn't find the properties for SinglePageOnly.
    Then I looked more carefully and realized I'd typed in two fours.
    Twice. Canadian to the core (two fours are a case of suds). At any
    rate, I dug through the email and found the update notice to 12.05. Am
    installing it and will report the result. Hopefully I'll be apologizing
    for wasting your time. I'll see after they test out the update

    From the Great White North ... GM
  • edited January 2014
    Gary Mugford wrote:


    The 12.05 cured the problem. Well, almost. Turns out I dragged the
    wrong version of the project out of my archive and updated a version 16
    sub-versions older than the actual most recent version. So, I have to
    do the updates all over again. Headed back to bed and my afternoon

  • edited January 2014
    This is a multipart message in MIME format.
  • edited January 2014
    This is a multipart message in MIME format.
  • edited January 2014

    For future reference, please post using your real name and begin a new
    thread for new issues.

    This is not a known issue with RB 15.02. Try setting the
    PreviewFormSettings.SinglePageOnly (or Viewer.SinglePageOnly property if
    you are using a TppViewer) to True and see if that solve the issue. If
    you are loading templates, be sure to do this after the template is loaded.

    If this does not solve the issue, we will need to see a simple example
    of this behavior here on our machine in order to track down any
    problems. Send a minimal example in .zip format to
    support@digital-meteaphor.com and we will take a look at it for you.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2014
    This is a multipart message in MIME format.
This discussion has been closed.