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placing TppImage into TableGrid cell dynamically

edited April 2015 in General
I am adding a TppImage to a table grid, so:
lTableGrid.Cells[0, 0].AddChild(img);

However, the TppImage does not seem to be bound to the limits of the
cell. If I set img.ParentWidth to True, then the image becomes much
smaller than the cell, which is puzzling.

Also, I see that in the report designer, if I place a TableGrid, then
place a TppImage into one of the cells, the TppImage width is limited
by the cell, but the height is not.

So overall, my qeustion is how to constrain the TppImage to the
confines of a single cell.




  • edited April 2015
    Hi William,

    Below is a code example.

    - to add an image to a cell, set Image.Parent Never call AddObjects. When
    creating layouts via code, always set Band.Report to add a Band, set
    Object.Band or Object.Parent to add an object to a band or container.

    - to align the image, use the Image.Anchors property. The cell aligns its
    child object based on their Anchors.

    - use the Cell.Padding property if you need to increase/decrease the amount
    of space between the cell boundary and its child objects.

    This is all covered in the help topics for TppTableGrid, TppTableCell,
    TppTableRow, TppTableColumn. Hope you get the help installed :)


    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    lImage: TppImage;

    // create a grid with 2 rows and 3 columns
    FTableGrid := TppTableGrid.Create(Self);
    FTableGrid.Band := ppReport1.Detail;
    FTableGrid.Left := 2;
    FTableGrid.RowCount := 2;
    FTableGrid.ColCount := 3;

    // add an image to the first grid cell, configure the anchors to occupy
    the entire cell

    lImage := TppImage.Create(Self);
    lImage.Parent := FTableGrid.Cells[0,0];
    lImage.Anchors := [atLeft, atTop, atRight, atBottom];


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2015
    Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) wrote:


    Thanks for your assistance. I was using AddChild() to put the image
    in the cell, but am now setting the parent, instead. I found that
    setting the image Anchors to [atBottom] does put the image in the
    bottom of the cell, but oddly, setting to [atTop] does not place it in
    the top of cell, but leaves it mid-cell, vertically. I have not
    assigned padding, and the single row grid height is set to the band
    height, which is 1.5". The image height is 1.25", so there is room for
    it to be at the top or bottom, without confusion. There is no other
    object in the cell, and I am at my wits end trying to discover what
    prevents me moving the image aboge the vertical center of cell.

    I have not been able to install the help. It seems I must re-install
    RB15.03 in its entirety, in order to do so, and I am not keen to go
    down that path at the moment, as I am pulled in several directions. But
    perhaps tomorrow.


  • edited April 2015
    Hi Bill,

    Try creating a new test project. Start with the example code I provided,
    which works in my testing here. Make sure that exact code works. Then
    incrementally modify the code to demonstrate what you are trying to
    accomplish. If you can create the issue, then zip and send to support@.

    Use this link to download the RBuilder help file in HtmlHelp format (I just
    generated an update)


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2015
    Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) wrote:


    I found that handling the scaling of an image is interesting. I
    enabled borders around the image and as they did not outline the border
    of the graphic content, but a larger space, I was able to locate the
    issue, and correct it.

    I may yet need to produce a small project to send to support, but not
    yet. ;)


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