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End user report and Access 2000

edited August 2002 in End User
I have tried your ADO "EU report" demo with Access 2000 with poor result. I
do use ODBC express instead but ADO will be ok when I can reproduce clean
example with your demo.
So, if you could send me one "EU report" demo with ADO connection which is
Access 2000 compatible!

Damir Vadas, dipl. Ing

I have tested this unit on Oracle 8.1.7 and BDE connection with success. I
have also submit to you some improvements for saving large reports...


  • edited August 2002
    Please do not cross post!

    I ran our demo yesterday with Access 2000. It worked fine. I it up and
    wokring again from scratch today on a different machine:

    Delphi 6
    RB 6.03 - no patches applied
    Access 2000
    Win 2K machine:

    Here are the steps I had to do this morning to get it working on my other

    1. Launch Access 2000 to access Northwind Traders database.

    2. Connect to Northwinds-Could not connect because it wasn't installed.

    3. Install Northwinds at the prompt from the Office 2000 cd.

    4. Opened Northwinds database from access when install completed.

    5. Select File | Get External Data | Import

    6. Choose C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi6\RBuilder\Demos\EndUser
    Databases\Access 97\rbTables42.mdb

    7. Select rbField, rbFolder, rbItem, rbJoin and rbTable in the list of
    tables in the Import Object dialog.

    8. Click OK to close the Import Objects dialog.

    9. Close Access.

    10. Open C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi 6\RBuilder\Demos\End User
    Databases\Access 97\2. ADO\EndUser.dpr

    11. Double click ADO connection on form

    12. Choose Build.

    13. Test Connection

    14. Close the dialog.

    15. Go back to form.

    16. Select on eof the tables components.

    17. Set Active property to true in object inspector to test connection.

    18. Build project and run.

    Created new report from report explorer, created a query dataview, saved the
    report to database, loaded it back up. Works just fine here.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2002
    I did the same copied from the CD (T:\PFILES\MSOFFICE\OFFICE\SAMPLES, where
    T is my CD ROM device) and copied "Nwind.mdb" database to HDD (once more to
    be sure). I did reinstall RBuilder 6.03 (to be sure).

    I import rb tables and start demo! And....problems!

    When you try to put two tables you get an error (pictures attached in file).

    My configuration is:
    I have Win2k SP3, with D5 SP2
    MDAC version: 2.60.6526.3
    MS Jet 4 SP 6

    So please tell me what is wrong...MDAC...MS JET or....ME!??????


  • edited August 2002
    Before running RB, can you see the rb tables from Access 2000?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2002
    I just did install newest MDAC and now I have: 2.70.9001.0 but the problem
    is still remain!
    I want to remind you that I have successfully developed Oracle/BDE version
    of the same EU without any problems...but here I'm helpless!
    Please forgive for last mail with attachment, but pictures speak more then

  • edited August 2002

  • edited August 2002
    Here is from MS site about that error!
    OLEDB Error: Either BOF or EOF is True, or the Current Record Has Been
    Deleted; the Operation Requested by the Application Requires a Current
    The information in this article applies to:
    Microsoft Windows Media Rights Manager 1.0
    After you edit a media item and save the changes, the following error
    message occurs:

    OLEDB Error: Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been
    deleted; the operation requested by the application requires a current
    This error occurs when you edit an existing media item, select Create a new
    key group under the Advanced options, specify a key group name, and then
    click Save.
    To resolve this problem, delete the media item and add it again specifying
    the new key group.
    Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Windows Media
    Rights Manager version 1.0.
    First Published:Jun 18 1999 10:17AM
    Keywords:kbbug netshow drm wms

  • edited August 2002
    Solution from (http://info.borland.com/devsupport/delphi/mdac26.html):
    MDAC v2.6 "Either EOF or BOF is true." error with ADOExpress

    This update corrects a known issue which affects certain ADOExpress
    applications when running against MDAC 2.6. Most commonly, the following
    error is generated when closing an empty dataset: "Either EOF or BOF is
    True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a
    current record". The same error may also occur when canceling an edit
    operation. Affected applications should be recompiled after the update is


    Delphi 5, Enterprise version

    a.. Update Pack 1
    Delphi 5, Professional version with the ADOExpress upgrade

    a.. ADOExpress for Delphi 5 Professional, Update Pack 1
    b.. Delphi 5 Professional, Update Pack 1

    The update is a self-extracting, self-executing file. Because it refreshes
    the ADO files in your current installation, Delphi must be closed before
    running the update.

  • edited August 2002
    Thankyou for posting your solution!


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2002
    No probs!
    Your RB is wonderful tool, so a little thank is always welcome. At least for
    Damir Vadas

This discussion has been closed.