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Problems on end-user's pc, not on mine

edited August 2002 in End User

I'm having a strange problem, and I think it is Report Builder that causes
it... I made a program, and several dll's that I load dynamically. In those
dll's are reports. As the dll's are 'stand-alone' programs (at least,
there's no extra concern for Report Builder), and I compiled the reports in
the exe (so no extra dll's and stuff).

Everything works fine on my pc, but when I try to load a dll at the pc of
the end-user I get an 'access voilation' error. I know this all sounds
pretty vague, but does anyone have an idea what my problem is, or where I
should look at?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Greetz -- Jurrie

PS: I noticed that in my path directives, I got a line
$(DELPHI)\RBuilder\Source before the line $(DELPHI)\RBuilder\Lib... I don't
think this is the problem, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.


  • edited August 2002
    Are you running any RB patches? This would be the only reason that you
    would need to include RBuilder\Source in your library path. Try removing it
    and rebuilding. As far as why you are getting an AV, we really have no idea
    without seeing your entire source project. Let's get a baseline: can you
    run our demo report dll example on the your machine on on the client's


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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