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problem with simple ADO report

edited December 2004 in Datapipelines
I have the simplest of reports, a simple detail line from a pipeline linked
to an ADO query. However the first record in the result set simply repeats
forever in the detail line without progessing to the next record. The
pipline MoveBy=1. The pipeline OnRecordChangeEvent never fires. I am new to
report builder and can't see what I am doing wrong - the situation is very

Any suggestions?

Allan McEvoy


  • edited December 2004
    Hi Allan,

    Be sure you have the TppReport.DataPipeline property assigned. The report
    engine will not traverse your dataset unless it is assigned a datapipeline.
    You can assign this property using the Delphi Object Inspector, in code at
    runtime, or by selecting the Report | Data main menu option in the report


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited December 2004
    Hi Nico,

    Thanks for replying.
    When I went and chose a data pipeline in the report in the way you
    described, it started working OK.
    I did have ppReport1.Datapipeline assigned to the data pipeline in question
    but this didn't seem sufficient. Does it always have to be assigned in the
    report also?

    Thanks again,
    Allan McEvoy
  • edited December 2004
    Hi Allan,

    No, this should not be necessary. Are you by chance loading a template into
    the report object? If so, the DataPipeline field will be reset to the one
    assigned when the template was created.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.