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AutoSearch using ppTextpipeline

edited August 2005 in Datapipelines

is it possible to use autosearch fields in conjunction with a pptextpipeline
and if so could you provide a small example ?




  • edited August 2005

    1. AutoSearchFields can be defined for any report.

    2. The Report.OnGetAutoSearchFieldValues event fires after the user has
    specified the search values. This event is typically used to apply the
    values to the SQL where clause of a query or a Filter expression for a
    table. For examples see RBuilder\Demos\AutoSearch.

    3. The DataPipeline classes do not have the ability to filter or sort data.
    I would approach this in one of two ways.

    a. It is possible to implement datapipeline event-handlers to skip rows. For
    an example, see demo 116 (dm0116.pas) in RBuilder\Demos\Reports\Demo.dpr

    b. Usean in memory dataset such as a ClientDataSet or kbmMemTable (an add-on
    product) to load the text file data and then filter it using the dataset's

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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