You'll have to rebuild the project for deployment. You'll want to NOT include daIDE, but DO include the DADE plugin you are using, such as daDBBDE, daADS, daDBISAM, etc...
I thought I ask that question before in another name (don't worry, this is my real). Thanks. It worked. The last time I posted I was hoping that you could tell me like there is a simple comand like tabs[0].Visible := False or sth like that. I remembered that I place the plug-in before there and I remembered that I onced removed the daIDE and everything go hay-wired. I don't know, but thanks..
p.s.: btw, I couldn't see my last thread regarding the save Dialog and this previous post too. My collegue is having the same prob.
Guess I have counted on my eggs too soon. The previous try it did kinda work, but the FieldAlias was somewhat wrong. Then I made a check and found that daIDE was declared there (don't know how). After removing all daIDE, I can't get the TppDataManager working properly.
Urr.. Previously I was working on a way and manage to separate the DADE section from the Designer tab. I'm still not sure how I pull that off so I don't really know the in-outs of what is going on back there. I remembered that I removed the daIDE at one point because I don't want it to show at Designer's form then the whole TdaDataManager wouldn't work properly (or maybe it was the TdaDataModule).
here's a screen shot of the problem... I've included daIBExpress unit as you've mentioned (I'm using Firebird).
Sorry, for the delay, my newsreader stuck this up high where i didn't see it. You can't remove the data tab and then use the datamanager. This is what happens when you remove the data tab:
This will cause the data manager to be unregistered and hence, you can't use it in your custom DADE:
procedure ppUnRegisterDesignModule(aDesignModuleClass: TppDesignModuleClass; const aComponentDesignerClassName: String); var lClassList: TStringList; lsComponentDesignerClassName: String; lDesignModuleClass: TppDesignModuleClass; lbClassRemoved: Boolean; liIndex: Integer; begin
if (aDesignModuleClass = nil) or (aComponentDesignerClassName = '') then Exit;
UnRegisterClass(aDesignModuleClass); <--here it is
if (FDesignModuleClassList = nil) then Exit;
lClassList := ppGetDesignModuleClassList;
liIndex := 0; lbClassRemoved := False;
while not(lbClassRemoved) and (liIndex < lClassList.Count) do begin lsComponentDesignerClassName := lClassList[liIndex]; lDesignModuleClass := TppDesignModuleClass(lClassList.Objects[liIndex]);
if (lsComponentDesignerClassName = aComponentDesignerClassName) and (lDesignModuleClass = aDesignModuleClass) then begin lClassList.Delete(liIndex);
lbClassRemoved := True; end
else Inc(liIndex); end;
end; {procedure, ppUnRegisterDesignModule}
RB doesn't expect the datamanager to be around unless it is part of the designer. This is just an assumption we made when we built it. You'll have to re register the class with Delphi and take it from there. I'd have to code a full example to know how exactly to do this, but there are more dependencies that will arise once you get past this point. Just let us know and we'll see what we can do as you run into them.
from how I am seeing it now, I don't think I can UnRegister the TdaDataManager. Really no way no how. Isn't there a way to shut the tab visually?? I mean I don't mind having the object floating around because without it some of my parts won't work. I just want the tab to be invisible or hidden or taken off, visually.
Sorry for stressing the thing, it's just that I just want to hide the tab, it shouldn't sound that difficult. I have the source and stuff and the whole tab is published. *sigh*.
procedure TfrmRBDesigner.ppRBDesignerShow(Sender: TObject); begin if Pos('Data', TppDesignerWindow(ppRBDesigner.Form).Notebook.Pages[0].Caption) <> 0 then TppDesignerWindow(ppRBDesigner.Form).Notebook.Pages[0].Free; TppDesignerWindow(ppRBDesigner.Form).Notebook.ActivePageIndex := 1; end;
I couldn't just Hide the tabsheet so I free it. I'm not sure if this will cause some unnessesary AV.
include daIDE, but DO include the DADE plugin you are using, such as
daDBBDE, daADS, daDBISAM, etc...
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors
my real). Thanks. It worked. The last time I posted I was hoping that you
could tell me like there is a simple comand like tabs[0].Visible := False or
sth like that. I remembered that I place the plug-in before there and I
remembered that I onced removed the daIDE and everything go hay-wired. I
don't know, but thanks..
p.s.: btw, I couldn't see my last thread regarding the save Dialog and this
previous post too. My collegue is having the same prob.
work, but the FieldAlias was somewhat wrong. Then I made a check and found
that daIDE was declared there (don't know how). After removing all daIDE, I
can't get the TppDataManager working properly.
Urr.. Previously I was working on a way and manage to separate the DADE
section from the Designer tab. I'm still not sure how I pull that off so I
don't really know the in-outs of what is going on back there. I remembered
that I removed the daIDE at one point because I don't want it to show at
Designer's form then the whole TdaDataManager wouldn't work properly (or
maybe it was the TdaDataModule).
here's a screen shot of the problem...
I've included daIBExpress unit as you've mentioned (I'm using Firebird).
it. You can't remove the data tab and then use the datamanager. This is what
happens when you remove the data tab:
ppUnRegisterDesignModule(TdaDataManager, 'TppDesignerWindow');
This will cause the data manager to be unregistered and hence, you can't use
it in your custom DADE:
procedure ppUnRegisterDesignModule(aDesignModuleClass: TppDesignModuleClass;
const aComponentDesignerClassName: String);
lClassList: TStringList;
lsComponentDesignerClassName: String;
lDesignModuleClass: TppDesignModuleClass;
lbClassRemoved: Boolean;
liIndex: Integer;
if (aDesignModuleClass = nil) or (aComponentDesignerClassName = '') then
UnRegisterClass(aDesignModuleClass); <--here it is
if (FDesignModuleClassList = nil) then Exit;
lClassList := ppGetDesignModuleClassList;
liIndex := 0;
lbClassRemoved := False;
while not(lbClassRemoved) and (liIndex < lClassList.Count) do
lsComponentDesignerClassName := lClassList[liIndex];
lDesignModuleClass :=
if (lsComponentDesignerClassName = aComponentDesignerClassName) and
(lDesignModuleClass = aDesignModuleClass) then
lbClassRemoved := True;
end; {procedure, ppUnRegisterDesignModule}
RB doesn't expect the datamanager to be around unless it is part of the
designer. This is just an assumption we made when we built it. You'll have
to re register the class with Delphi and take it from there. I'd have to
code a full example to know how exactly to do this, but there are more
dependencies that will arise once you get past this point. Just let us know
and we'll see what we can do as you run into them.
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors
TdaDataManager. Really no way no how. Isn't there a way to shut the tab
visually?? I mean I don't mind having the object floating around because
without it some of my parts won't work. I just want the tab to be invisible
or hidden or taken off, visually.
Sorry for stressing the thing, it's just that I just want to hide the tab,
it shouldn't sound that difficult. I have the source and stuff and the whole
tab is published. *sigh*.
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors
procedure TfrmRBDesigner.ppRBDesignerShow(Sender: TObject);
if Pos('Data',
TppDesignerWindow(ppRBDesigner.Form).Notebook.Pages[0].Caption) <> 0 then
TppDesignerWindow(ppRBDesigner.Form).Notebook.ActivePageIndex := 1;
I couldn't just Hide the tabsheet so I free it. I'm not sure if this will
cause some unnessesary AV.