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edited October 2005 in Datapipelines
Using reportbuilder 7..03

Does anyone know how to stop multi autosearch datapipelines being visible to
the user?

If I set it to datapipline.false then the report ignores it. I want to use
the datapiplines but not made visible by user.

Only one pipeline need be visible for the user to enter search criteria of
which will be passed to other pipelines in the report.

Hope this makes sense.

Thank you


  • edited October 2005

    The basic approach is to use the Query Designer to create Autosearch
    criteria for the first query and then programmtically apply the search
    criteria to the second query.

    ReportBiulder 9 includes enhancements designed specifically to facilitate
    this type of requirement. There is a TdaSQLBuilder class that can be used to
    modify the TdaSQL object associated with a dataview and there is a new
    Report.BeforeOpenDataPipelines event.

    Here is an example of using the new Report.BeforeOpenDataPipeline event and
    the new TdaSQLBuilder class to apply an autosearch field value entered by
    the user to a second datapipeline.

    lSQLBuilder: TdaSQLBuilder;
    lAutoSearchField: TppAutoSearchField;

    lSQLBuilder := TdaSQLBuilder.Create(orders2);


    lAutoSearchField := Report.AutoSearchFields[0];

    if not(lAutoSearchField.ShowAllValues) then
    lSQLBuilder.SearchCriteria.Add('orders', 'SaleDate', 'Between',



    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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