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How to generate 'blank horizontal lines' at a group break

edited November 2005 in Datapipelines
Using Delphi 5 & RB Pro 7.04

I'm duplicating a 'printed form' which has 'X' number of lines in a
'table/grid' which 'fills' a page. My report works perfectly, grouping
the data with horizontal lines, thats not the problem. But when the data
for a Group is less than the full page, the bottom of the page is all
blank space - the group break starts a new page - I need 'blank
horizontal lines' to the bottom of the page.

Let's say that the 'table' has 25 'detail lines'. My data for the Group
generates only '10' lines. I need to print the additional '15' lines.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I hope I'm making the problem
clear enough.



  • edited November 2005
    Hi Marie,

    Take a look at the following example on how to dynaically add lines to the
    bottom of a page when the group ends. You do so by manually adding
    drawcommands after the detail band has finished printing.



    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2005
    Hi Nico,

    Thanks. That helps. Now to figure out how to do the Vertical lines for
    each of the columns. I currently have the Verticals streching within
    the Detail band. I'm not familiar with 'drawing' programmatically with
    RB - sending 'draw' commands directly to the laser is what I'm familiar
    with. Something new to learn :)


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