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Treeview in Report Builder?

edited February 2003 in End User
Hi, I was wondering if there's a Treeview component available for Report
Builder other than the one produced by ChoosePill. ChoosePill's tool looks
quite good but we need additional functionality and flexibility to the end

We were after one that allows the end user to create Treeviews by selecting
(within Report) their Parent/Child attributes and configure the view
accordingly. The option to create Structure Charts would be an added bonus.

Does such a tool exist for Report Builder? We're currently using 6.03

Thanks in advance for all help provided here.

Nigel Huband.


  • edited February 2003

    All of the RCL add-on components that we are aware of are listed on the
    friends | RCL section of our web site.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2003

    it seems what you want doesn't really fit into the ReportBuilder concept as
    the preview of a report is static (no user interaction possible) and the
    end-user designer has a banded approach, so you don't see any real data in
    the designer.

    Have you had a look at the DevEx components? Looks like ExpressOrgChart,
    ExpressFlowChart or ExpressDBTreeList together with ExpressPrintingSystem
    could fit your needs.


    Sebastian Modersohn
    ChoosePill components

    "Nigel Huband" wrote....
  • edited February 2003

    There seems to be a persistent misconception that because RB layouts by
    default have bands, that this is in some way limiting. This is not true.

    RB can do any type of free form report layout. :)

    Create a new report. Remove the header/footer and size the Detail band to be
    the height of the page. Now place any number of subreports on the layout.
    Set subreport.ParentWidth to False if you need the subreport to occupy a
    narrow area on the page. Use a subreport set to pbFixed if you want the
    subreport to occupy a fixed rectangle on the page.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2003

    sorry, my statement was a bit incomplete I guess. I'm fully aware about the
    capabilities of ReportBuilder you mentioned and I've used it successfully to
    implement a wide variety of reports.

    What I was trying to say was that one uses the banded approach if one has an
    undetermined number of "records" to display (and I don't know an
    alternative). In this example that simply means that - at report design
    time - our TreeView is similar to a simple field and just represents one
    single treenode (or band if you would like). And I see no other way of
    implementing this. If we would show a complete user-interactive TreeView at
    report design time, it could only be used for the free form report layouts
    you mentioned and it couldn't span multiple pages (if I'm not mistaken?).

    Hope I made my point clear now. My post wasn't meant to offend anybody. I'm
    sorry if it did.


    Sebastian Modersohn
    ChoosePill components

  • edited February 2003

    Any component that descends from TppStretchable can stretch vertically to
    accommodate different amounts of data, and can overflow to as many pages as
    needed. Descendants of TppStretchable include TppMemo, TppRichText,
    TppRegion, TppSubreport, and TppCrosstab.

    I would say the crosstab component is a good example of a complex component.
    It traverses data, calculates a multi-dimensional matrix of values, and then
    renders the results in a sophisticated grid output.

    The DrillDown subreport feature is a good example of a dynamic component. It
    can respond to a mouse clicks in the designer. It notifies the report engine
    to clear out rendered pages and then regenerates the current page.

    RBuilder\Demos\Reports\Demo.dpr contains a simple example of a hot-clickable

    My goal is to clarify misinformation here, because many developers read
    these newsgroups and will get the wrong information. :)

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.