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Tables availble when running End-User Reporting Application

edited February 2003 in End User
I have built an End user Reporting Application. I have set up the data
dictionary with all the joins, tables and fields that I want available to my
users. I have also setup two folders with several default reports for my
users. The purpose of this app is to give my users a few default reports
and to let them make their own using the table, fields and links I have
provided in the data dictionary.

When the app runs, it runs fine. to create a new report, I am instructing my
user to do the following:

At the Report Explorer screen, do a File|New|report. This opens the new
report screen. Click on the Data tab and do a File|New, the new items
screen will appear, click on Query Wizard. From here the Query Wizard opens
and on the left are my setups for Available Tables. the user can select
their table, fields and design and perhaps save their new report.

Now here is my problem:

Some times, after working in the app for a while, running already created
reports and creating new report, when you pull up the Query Wizard, the list
of the Available tables not long display the table setups I have created but
it displays all the tables in the database which I do not want available to
my users, the original table names are very cryptic and mean almost nothing
to my users, my table setups have user friendly table names and fields
names. How can I get this to stop happening? I have not be able to get
this defect to happen in any repeatable steps but it does happen often.


  • edited February 2003
    Hi Carla,

    check if 'use DataDictionary' is checked on data page.
    This property should always be checked in your case. (TppDesigner.DataSettings.UseDataDictionary)

    Chris Ueberall;
  • edited February 2003
    This setting is set to true.

  • edited February 2003

    did you check the setting when the problem occurs or do you speaking generally?

    Chris Ueberall;
  • edited February 2003

    This had not been reported by any other users, nor is it something that we
    can reproduce here.

    Please let us how we can reproduce this behavior using the RB end-user

    Chris's suggestion of making sure that the UseDataDictionary property is
    always true, is a good one.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2003
    in the delphi designer this setting is set to true. i have no code that
    changes it during run time. Does it change during run time?

  • edited February 2003
    I thought i had a sequence of steps down, i will try to get something to
    you soon.

  • edited March 2003
    Here is how I can reproduce the problem:

    I go into the end user report application and double click on one of the
    existing reports in the right side of the window and preview it. Close the
    report after it runs. Back in the Report Explorer window, I right click on
    one of the folders I have made and go to "new report", this opens to the
    design window. I go to the "Data" tab and do a file|new and double click on
    "query wizard". Now, all the tables show in the "Available tables" window
    on the left side of the screen. these are not the tables/names that I have
    setup in the data dictionary.

  • edited March 2003
    Has anyone there been able to reproduce my problem?

  • edited March 2003
    No, I'm unable to reproduce the problem. Can you verify that the database
    settings are set to use the data dictionary right before you select the File
    | New | Query Wizard option? Enable Designer.AllowDataSettingsChange to
    check this at runtime.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited March 2003
    I fail to see which event to use to check this value. There is only about 8
    lines of code in this project, i am not changing this value during run time.
    Does it change by itsself?

  • edited March 2003
    It should not change by itself. It is designed such that the report template
    should not be able to change it on the data settings of the designer. It is
    a property on the designer component, not the template, although the data
    settings of the query dataview are streamed in the template. The event to
    use to check this value is to do it visually with your mouse before you
    select the New | Query Wizard action. By setting
    Designer.AllowDataSettingsChange, you can do this at runtime.

    I wasn't able to reproduce the problem. Can you provide exact steps you took
    to reproduce the problem using our demo? Maybe I'm missing a step that you
    are performing or a configuration change on the demo project's components?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited March 2003
    this stays set to false thru out the operation of the applicaton.
    the steps to reproduce this are to be found below in this post. would you
    like me to send you the .pas's and .dfm's?

  • edited March 2003
    Yes, if you could send an example to support@digital-metaphors.com that I
    can run to reproduce the problem then that would be much appreciated, as I
    failed to recreate the problem in my own tests.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited March 2003
    I am running your demo and it works perfectly. The tables are always what
    are defined in the data dictionary. I tried your steps a few times and also
    som variations. The new query wizard always shows the data dictionary
    tables. I also check the data settings at runtime and they are set to use
    the data dictionary.

    Can you provide very specific steps that I need to take to see the problem
    in your demo?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

This discussion has been closed.