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JIT M/D with empty Detail List calls OnGetFieldValue for Detail Pipeline with 0 RecordIndex

edited March 2006 in Datapipelines
I have an Invoice report that uses 2 JIT pipelines. 1 for the Invoice
and 1 for the InvoiceItems. It works great except when I have no
invoice items. I set the recordcount = 0, but for some reason the
InvoiceItems pipeline is called with a recordIndex = 0 even though the
RecordCount = 0. This did result in a List Index out of Bounds error,
until I put in a test to essentially ignore the call of the RecordIndex
even the Invoice header information).

What could I possibly be doing wrong, of have I hit on a bug?


  • edited March 2006

    1. For the detail data pipline set SkipWhenNoRecords to False if you want
    the master record to be included in the report when there are no
    corresponding detail records.

    2. Configure the Report.NoDataBehaviors propery to control what happens when
    the master pipline is empty. See the RBuilder.hlp for more details.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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