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long process to upgrade old reports

edited March 2003 in End User

I have just upgraded from RBEnt 5.56 to RBEnt 7.02 and none of our old
reports (rtm based) will run. They all have insuficient right to table
errors. The only way I can get around it is to open the report in the end
user designer, go to the data tab, remove all the fields and add them back
in again, this of course messes up any groupings etc. then save the
template and it is ok.

I recon I will have to perform this on various clients at least 2000 times
which will be very time consuming and expensive. Surely there is way to
update all reports in a folder without having to physically open them in the
designer ?

Thanks for any ideas

Andy Dyble


  • edited March 2003
    The actual error is

    Cannot connect to DefaultADSConnection



  • edited March 2003
    The dataview stored in the template saves the connection name. When the
    template is loaded up, the dataview tries to find this connection. If it
    can't find it, it tries to create a default connection. This means that you
    have changed the name of the ADS connection or disabled it somehow. You need
    to restore the ADS connection on your form to match the one that you used to
    create the templates. You are able to create new dataviews because the
    Designer.Datasettings are configured for the new ADS connection.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited March 2003
    Thanks for the info Jim. I have some slight confusion with ads data
    dictionaries that may be causing me a problem here. I used to have the
    ppDesigner datasettings point to an alias called Winida, this was a non
    dictionary alias. Now we have changed to a data dictionary I believe I have
    to use an AdsConnection to connect to the data, this is called
    AdsConnection1. So you theory is correct that that the name as changed.
    Therefore I can't see anyway of accessing the Winida alias from the
    ppDesigner because it can't connect direct as there is no where to enter a
    username or password for the dictionary alias other than changing the Ads

    Hope this makes sense.


  • edited March 2003

    I have now changed the alias name back to it's original name and deleted the
    AdsConnection from the form. It now prompts me for a user name and password
    which is ok but it still says I haven't the rights to the tables eve if I
    log in as the database administrator.
    So it looks like what I should have done when I originally set this up is
    intead of pointing the report tables directly to an alias, is used a
    AdsConnection and pointed to this, then when upgraing to a data dictionary
    it wiould still have been looking at the same adsconnection name.



  • edited April 2003
    Anyone got another other ideas ?



  • edited April 2003
    Hi Andy,

    I would create a new report and look for differences concerning the data settings in the rtm file.

    Chris Ueberall;
  • edited April 2003
    Chris has the right idea. Compare a 5.56 template with a new one you create
    in 7.02 that works. Once you can identify the differences between two
    templates saved in ascii format, you can then change the 5.56 template
    definition by editing the template without loading the template into a
    report object (use Notepad or programatically in a TStringlist). This way
    you can change the connection name in the object definition for the query
    dataview so that the 5.56 template works the way it should in 7.02, keep in
    mind that there is usually no need to perform this operation on the
    templates unless the database connection object changes. If you have binary
    templates, you can load them to a stringlist from binary, edit it as acsii
    text, then save it back to a binary template by using this demo:



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited April 2003
    Thanks for the demo, its a big help in other areas too.


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