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Modal Interface does not come to the fron

edited April 2003 in End User
Since I have RB 7.02 the report builder has an strange behaviour with their
modal windows.

If I open the end user interface and start the designer. The I open the
register Data and try to connect to a new datapipeline (hope this is correct
term)a open the query designer where I can select the table or fields etc.

Now whe I switch to another application and ant to return using the mouse I
cannot return to the last screen. The application seems to be crashed. But
it is not. If I try to return to my application using Alt-Tab everything
works fine.

All this behaviour comes with the update :-(

Any solution?




  • edited April 2003
    Thanks for reporting this. The way to revert this behavior to RB 6.03 is to
    change you library path to RBuilder\Source and change the line in
    ppDsIntf.pas (this also changes the designer limitation that is mentioned in
    the previous post, because you can't replace the form, but you can change
    the implementation section in this case)

    { TppComponentDesigner.CreateParams}

    procedure TppComponentDesigner.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);

    inherited CreateParams(Params);

    //remove this line to revert-> Params.ExStyle := Params.ExStyle or

    end; {procedure, CreateParams}


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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