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Pie charts to work

edited April 2003 in End User
RB 7.02 PRO, TeeChart 6.01, end-user report designer.

I'm trying to get the pie chart in the end-user report designer to work
but I can't figure it out. I'm trying to display three totals fields as
three separate pieces of the pie but only one value is charted. If I hook
up the series to a DB pipeline, I get all values for every day as little
slices of the pie for one field, but that's not what I want. I want to see,
for example, 30 % fat, 20% protein and 50% carbs in one pie chart on an

I have a table of meals and each meal has a food. Each food has a value
for carbs, fats and protein. I'm trying to display one pie chart which
contains three slices, one slice for total carbs, one slice for total fats
and one slice for total protein.

I drop a DB Chart on a footer in a sub-report, create three bar series, one
for carbs, one for fat and one for protein and hook them up to the
dbpipeline and make them invisible. I then create another three series,
which I designate as type "Function" and make them 'Add' each of the three
first series. This all works fine. I can display those three series in a bar
chart and they work properly. But, when I try to make the three totals
display in a pie chart I can't seem to figure out how to make it work.

Can you assign different pieces or slices of the pie with a dbchart in
Report Builder?

Even if I simply create three pie charts, I can't make a pie chart display
three series in a single pie chart. Is this possible? How do you do it?

Thank you.


  • edited April 2003
    RB's Teechart wrapper only supports connecting a chart to a single pipeline.
    RB doesn't support some of the other Teechart data traversal features such
    as some of the extended series and functions. What you will probably have to
    do in this case is construct the chart using a TChart on a form and then
    copy the resulting image of the chart to a TppImage in the report.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited April 2003
    Hi Jim,
    Thanks for the response.
    So why does it work with a bar chart? With the bar chart, I can create
    three series and each series shows up in one chart. But when I create three
    dbpie chart series, I only see one series in the pie chart. Am I using the
    wrong version of TeeChart? Can anybody else get this to work?
    Also, since this is the end-user report designer, creating a form is not
    an option.

  • edited April 2003
    Perhaps I'm misunderstanding. Can you create an example of your teechart
    report using DBDemos data and send it to support@digital-metaphors.com I'll
    be happy to take a look at it to make sure we're on the same page and see
    what the problem is.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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