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SearchCriteria whit oracle database

edited May 2003 in End User
I'm using D6 and RB7.02 and ORACLE database.

I'm create a report whith searchcriteria "between", the type of
searchcriteria is 'DATE'

This is the query generate by the report :

date between convert(datetime,'2003-05-28 09:53:27',120) and
convert(datetime,'2003-05-28 09:53:27',120)

when i execute this query with, i'm an error.

Is it normaly, and what's the solution for resolve this error?



  • edited May 2003
    RB converts the criteria. You can change the conversion of the date format
    by first looking in RBuilder\Source and examine daSQL.pas in the
    ResolveCriteria method on the lines below to convert to your date format.

    {add special function call to convert the Oracle date based on
    the format of the criteria value}
    if (IsOracle) then
    if (lbContainsTime) then
    Result := 'TO_DATE(' + '''' + Result + '''' + ',' + ''''
    + lsDateFormat + ' HH24:MI:SS' + '''' + ')'
    Result := 'TO_DATE(' + '''' + Result + '''' + ',' + ''''
    + lsDateFormat + '''' + ')';

    You'll see that before these lines of code, there is a call on the session
    to get the date format. You can override this behavior in your DADE plugin.
    For example, if you are using daDOA, add and override to the TdaDOASession
    class to return the format that you want to use. This way you do not have to
    change the RBuilder\Source, just the daDOA DADE plugin.

    function GetSearchCriteriaDateFormat(aDatabaseType: TppDatabaseType; const
    aDatabaseName: String): String; override;

    If not, thenyou'll have to change the source to ResolveCriteria and point
    your library path to RBuilder\Source to achieve the formatting you need for
    your database.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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