Home End User
New Blog Posts: Merging Reports - Part 1 and Part 2

Search criterias...

edited July 2003 in End User
Hi, I have a couple of questions regarding end user reporting, but
first, please excuse me if I have to use the newsgroups for a personal
comunication to Digital Metaphors.

To Digital metaphors:
Two months ago I purchased online ReportBuilder Enterprise 7: up to
now I didn't receive any download instructions and it seems that ANY
mail you write to me (at the address carlo.sirna@digisoft.it) gets
I actually don't know if also the e-mails I send to you do
disappear, but I have written MANY of them in these months, I have
also sent TWO faxes asking you to verify if are there problems (I gave
you also another e-mail address by which you could reach me) and made
you call from a friend of mine living in USA... and you told him
"everithing is ok, we have just processed your order". My friend of
course won't call you any more, since you charged him 3$ per minute
for this "support".

Anyway I NEVER had any kind of answer

I actually HATE to write this in a public newsgroup, but I am really
disappointed. The faxes I sent did explain that I suspected that there
were some problems in e-mail communication and I asked you to reply me
both by fax and by e-mail in order to verify it. such request has been

Moreover: I haven't been receiving ANY kind of communication (product
updates and the like) in the last 6 months...

End of complaints.

Now: here is the question.

My program has an end-user reporting solution implemented with
reportbuilder. Up to now my customers used it only to change the
layout of reports I provide along with the application, but some of
them is now starting to using DADE for building new reports from

They asked me if there is a way, for the end-user, to build a report
that asks some search criteria before opening the dataset. So I need,
for the end user that defines the report, a way that allows him to
define the parameters that should be asked to the report user... and
for the one that uses the report, I need a way to build at run time
the form asking to input such parameters before opening the dataset.

I need such filters to be expanded as SQL conditions in the dataset
sql property before activating the query. Performing local
(client-side) data filtering is not suitable for my application, since
it works also on adsl or isdn connections with the database server.

Carlo Sirna
Digisoft s.r.l.


  • edited July 2003
    In the past I have had emails bounce back to me before as they couldn't be
    delivered because there is a . in an email address before the @ sign. Your
    email address has this period in it like this, caslo.sirna@ That is most
    likely the problem. Sometimes a message goes through and sometimes it
    doesn't. I apologize if our email responses don't get to you. The newsgroups
    are free to use:)

    Do you have an email account that doesn't have a period in the first part of
    it that you could use for our registration purposes so you can get notified
    of updates? Send it to support@digital-metaphors.com

    To answer your technical question, you can add daIDE to the uses clause so
    that the end user has DADE, which you have done. Then the user can go into
    the search tab of the query designer and specify a search criteria as
    autosearch, by checking the autosearch checkbox in the list view of the
    dataview's selected criteria fields. Then when the report is previewd, they
    can click on the magnifying glass to get the autosearch dialog to change the
    search criteria. The query is updated automatically behind the scenes so you
    don't have to code anythign for your users to achieve this effect.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited July 2003
    > Do you have an email account that doesn't have a period in the first
    part of

    Thanks for your support!

    clause so
    go into
    previewd, they
    change the
    scenes so you

    I don't think that this will work also for sql queries written "by
    hand" i.e. without using the wizard, but directly editing the SQL
    text. Am I wrong?


    Carlo Sirna
  • edited July 2003
    If you have manually edited SQL queries in DADE, then you can use the
    standard way of creating and modifying the autosearch field objects at
    runtime, the only difference is that the query is created in DADE and
    doesn't lie on a form. Here is an example:



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited July 2003
    > In the past I have had emails bounce back to me before as they
    couldn't be
    sign. Your
    part of

    Now i have also the address sirna@digisoft.it. I sent it
    support@digital-metaphors.com and I got no response...

    Carlo Sirna
  • edited July 2003
    We are getting delayed responses for emails which get returned for you.
    Anything we send to you gets returned. We do receive your emails. Below is
    the return message with some info. Contact your system adminstrator to see
    if there is something they can do to fix this. Can you get emails from
    others? No one else has this problem with receiving emails from our server
    that we are aware of.

    ----- Original Message -----
  • edited July 2003
    Thanks for your help. I will point out the problem to our network
    administrator... I won't be surprised if you aren't the only from wich
    I am not receiving mail any more...


    Carlo Sirna
This discussion has been closed.