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Creating groups in RAP (Porting code from Delphi)...

edited July 2003 in End User
Earlier I was said to port Delphi code for run-time groups creation to RAP,
after making sure that it works in Delphi itself. But Almost immediately I
run into a problem with the following string:

lGroup := TppGroup.Create(Self);

RAP doesn't see "Self" variable and writing this way "lGroup :=
TppGroup.Create" doesn't help as well. I get an error in this case.

Can you help me please?



  • edited July 2003
    I seem to find the solution. One just have to pass "nil" value instead of
    "self" value into the method.
    But another problem appeared immediately. I'm not sure of the cause.

    Here is the code I put in my global OnCreate method:

    procedure GlobalOnCreate;
    lGroup: TppGroup;
    lHeader: TppGroupHeaderBand;
    lShape: TppShape;
    lLabel: TppLabel;
    lGroup := TppGroup.Create(nil);
    lGroup.Report := Report;
    lGroup.DataPipeline := Report.DataPipeline;
    lGroup.BreakName := 'Level';
    lHeader := TppGroupHeaderBand.Create(nil);
    lHeader.Group := lGroup;
    lHeader.Height := 0.2187;

    {add components to group header}
    lShape := TppShape.Create(nil);
    lShape.Band := lHeader;
    lShape.Left := 0;
    lShape.Top := 0;
    lShape.Width := 8;
    lShape.Height := 0.2187;
    lShape.Brush.Color := clYellow;

    lLabel := TppLabel.Create(nil);
    lLabel.Band := lHeader;
    lLabel.Caption := 'Group1';
    lLabel.Left := 0.0313;
    lLabel.Top := 0.0313;
    lLabel.Transparent := True;

    As you can see - everything is taken from your demo:
    "DynamicReportCreation". I just chaged aReport on Report,
    Create(Self) on Create(nil), and chaged 2 strings to lGroup.BreakName :=
    'Level'; and lLabel.Caption := 'Group1';
    That is it.
    The problem is that it doesn't work.
    After I try to preview new report - I get an access violation error.
    Even if I try to create an absolutely new report with just this code and one
    pipeline - it still doesn't work. Even if you try to comment everything
    after those words: "{add components to group header}", it still gives the
    Could you tell me what the reason might be?


  • edited July 2003
    After some checking I concluded that program throws an exeption from thi

    lHeader.Group := lGroup;

    But both lHeader and lGroup are not nils. The reason still eludes me.
    Will be grateful for any help.


  • edited July 2003
    Try creating a RAP passthrough function to create a group. That way you can
    pass the report object in the parameter of the pass through so that in the
    Delphi code of the pass through, you can pull out the Report.Owner object
    which is the form. That way you can still create a group in RAP, via a pass
    through function and still have the form be the owner of the group. In
    general, if you create something with a nil owner, then you have to take
    responsibility for freeing that object because its owner (the form in this
    case) will not try to free it.

    There are RAP pass through function tutorials and demos in the RAP sections
    of the RBuilder/Demos and RBuilder/Tutuorials sections of the installation.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited July 2003
    Nope, even creating the group in Delphi doesn't help. It still throws an
    exception on the same string.
    Could you try this yourself?


  • edited July 2003
    Works fine for me:)

    RB 7.02 D6 format example I just created, with RAP pass through function to
    create the group with form as owner:


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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