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Migrating reorts from the end-user solution

edited July 2003 in End User

I have some reports developed using the end user solution that I would like
to convert to the "normal" style, embedding them in the application exe.
I did some test saving them on a rtm file, then from the TReport I loaded
the rtm file but I dont know how to eliminate the DADE page and connect
components to the pipeline.

Is it possible to do that and is there any tips on this matter?



  • edited July 2003
    Use can use DADE in the tempalte, just don't use daIDE in the uses clause.
    That is the way I would imbed report into a standard app. Use DADE behind
    the scenes, just don't show it in the designer:)

    Or, you need to go into DADE and save the report to template without any
    dataviews defined. Then try loading the template in a project where there is
    not da* in the uses clause so that DADE units aren't linked in on compile.
    The template may still be trying to save a TdaDatamodule even though it is
    empty. So, ignore the property load errors in order to get a "Standard"
    report and then save the template and then it shouldn't include any more
    DADE stuff in it. Then you can assign the Report.Datapipeline. If each
    control in the layout is defined to use ParentDataPipeline then it should
    automatically restore the data aware control to the new data pipeline on the
    form if the field names in the pipeline on the form are the same as they
    were in the old DADE data view.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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