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Report Explorer MDI

edited October 2003 in End User
Jim Bennett,

I had to reinstall Report Builder, and I lost the change I made to the
source code that made it so the report explorer would work as an mdi child.
I think I emailed you a copy of the .pas file with the changes, but I can't
find that email. Do you possibly still have that? I'm sure I can go find
and edit the right place again, but it would save me some time.


Jim Cullison


  • edited October 2003
    Nevermind, I figured it out again:

    in ppRptExp.pas:

    procedure TppFormWrapper.PropertiesToForm;
    lForm: TForm;

    lForm := GetForm;

    if (lForm = nil) then Exit;

    if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Exit;

    lForm.Caption := FFormCaption;
    lForm.Icon := FFormIcon;

    if not(TppCustomReportExplorer(lForm).FormSettingsRemembered) then
    lForm.WindowState := FFormState;
    lForm.Position := FFormPosition;

    lForm.Height := FFormHeight;
    lForm.Left := FFormLeft;
    lForm.Top := FFormTop;
    lForm.Width := FFormWidth;

    lForm.FormStyle := FFormStyle; // <---------- Add this line

    lForm.Tag := FFormTag;

    {pass-thru events}
    lForm.OnActivate := FOnActivate;
    lForm.OnClose := FOnClose;
    lForm.OnCloseQuery := FOnCloseQuery;
    lForm.OnDeactivate := FOnDeactivate;
    lForm.OnHide := FOnHide;
    lForm.OnResize := FOnResize;
    lForm.OnShow := FOnShow;

    end; {procedure, PropertiesToForm}

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