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MergeMenu for Explorer

edited October 2003 in End User
I'm having a trouble getting meregemenus to persist with the ReportExplorer.
They only appear the first time the explorer is displayed. Any subsequent
calls to showmodal or execute causes the menu to disapear. I've created a
tools menu with a group index of 40. If the menu has no additional menu
items it always displays. If I add any menuitems to the top level menu then
it only displays once. I've set the "Initialized" property to false but that
doesn't help.

The MergeMenus for the ReportDesigner component work as expected.

Any ideas?

John Panagia


  • edited October 2003
    Hi John,

    Are you able to recreate this issue using one of our end-user demos? In my
    testing, I was unable to get the merge menu to dissapear. If you can
    recreate this behavior with our demos, please provide the exact steps you
    took to get it or perhaps send a small example demonstrating the issue in
    zip format to support@digital-metaphors.com.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2003
    Hi Nick,

    It's pretty easy to reproduce.

    Start with any end-user project that has the "Launch" button to display the

    1. Add a TMainMenu component
    2. Add a top level menu item. I gave mine a caption of "Tools". Set the
    group index to 80.
    3. Connect the main menu to the MergeMenu property of the explorer.

    When you run the app it functions properly. You can click the Lanuch button
    multiple times withing a single run of the app and it works fine.

    The Problem:
    Now, add another menu item below the tools menu item and run the
    applications again.

    When you click the "Launch" button a second time the new menu is gone.

    Let me know what you think.


  • edited October 2003
    Hi John,

    Which version of ReportBuilder are you using. I did the exact steps you
    described below and was still unable to recreate the problem. After adding
    a menu item below the newly added Tools item, I was still able to see the
    merge menu in the Report Explorer. Perhaps there is something else I can do
    to recreate the problem on my machine?

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2003
    Hi Nick,

    I'm using RB 7.03 with Delphi 7 pro. The behevior only occurs upon multiple
    calls to the execute method of the Explorer component. Therefore, when you
    hit launch button a second time the menu disapears.


  • edited October 2003
    Hi John,

    Ok, I got it to show the error. This looks like a limitation to the merge
    menu capabilities of ReportBuilder. As an alternative, I would recommend
    creating a custom Report Explorer form and registering it with
    ReportBuilder. This can be done very easily and will run much more smoothly
    than using a Merge Menu. There is an example of creating a custom Report
    Explorer form in the \RBuilder\Tutorials\Complete\II. Applications\04.
    End-User with Custom Explorer\... directory. All you will have to do is add
    your extra menu option to the main menu of the existing explorer dialog and
    save it as a new form. Then register it with RB and you will be on your

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.