Data view search criteria
I have end users wanting to create reports where the search criteria (query)
is based on the use of the current date. The prior report desingner we used
allowed them to save the search criteria in such a way that they used the
Today key word. For example "TransactionDate = Today" would automatically
populate it with the current date. Is there any way to do that with
PS: The new website looks great and less complicated.
Bob Tucker
is based on the use of the current date. The prior report desingner we used
allowed them to save the search criteria in such a way that they used the
Today key word. For example "TransactionDate = Today" would automatically
populate it with the current date. Is there any way to do that with
PS: The new website looks great and less complicated.
Bob Tucker
This discussion has been closed.
This not currently supported by the Query Tools.
If you are using RB Enteprise, you use the Calc workspace to control the
AutoSearch fields. You can use the Report.BeforeAutoSearchDialog event...
1. To default an autosearch field value to the current you can code
Report.AutoSearchFields[0].SearchExpression := DateToStr(CurrentDate);
2. To prevent the autosearch dialog from being shown you can code
Report.ShowAutoSearchDialog := False;
However there is a limitation with this solution because the
BeforeAutoSearchDialog event does not fire when you press the Preview tab of
the report designer. It fires when you run the report to a preview form.
P.S. Thanks for the compiments on the new web site!
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors