Is there a way to add a date field into the search criteria of an end-user report and have it always default to the current day when the report is run??
Thanks In Advance, Stacey
Regards, Stacey R. Brodsky ClubRunner, Inc. (561) 746-3392
I should mention, that I am trying to do this all in the end-user report create dialogs. So, I am using the data tab for my criteria, and hoping, that I can set it somewhere on the calc tab. I would like to avoid any coding at design time so that my users can create their own reports.
You can set the SearchExpression of the AutoSearchDialog before it gets created in the Report.BeforeAutoSearchDialogCreate event. Inside here you can use the Report.AutoSearchFields[].SearchExpression to define the default autosearch value for the dialog. If you do not want to see the dialog, you can set the Report.ShowAutoSearchDialog to False.
Here is a quick example.
procedure TForm1.ppReport1BeforeAutoSearchDialogCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ppReport1.AutoSearchFields[0].SearchExpression := DateToStr(Now()); end;
Note: I created this autosearch field already in DADE.
You can do this completely at runtime using RAP. RAP (Report Application Pascal) is ReportBuilder's run-time Pascal development environment. RAP enables the entire report definition (Data, Calculations, and Layout) to be stored outside of the application executable. Using RAP you could define the Report.BeforeAutoSearchDialogCreate event completely in the Report definition without the need for any Delphi code. RAP only comes with the Enterprise edition of ReportBuilder. If you would like to find out if it will work for you, please consider downloading a trial version of ReportBuilder Enterprise 7.03 and testing with that.
Hi Nico, Thanks for answering so far. I do have an Enterprise edition...v6.03. I have the calc tab and I can get to Report.BeforeAutoSearchDialogCreate...but, I can not get anything to compile in there. I am using AutoSearchFields[?]...or whatever the name is, but it will not compile...doesn't understand what AutoSearchFields[?] is??
I'm getting ReportBeforeAutoSearchDialogCreate I have the following code...
begin Report.AutoSearchFields[1].Value := CurrentDate; end;
I also threw up a memo to show me the search criteria. When running the report, the memo still shows the original 'fake' date I put in for the Value...and, when hitting the search criteria button to change it, I get an error : Could not run program : ReportBeforeAutoSearchCreate. If I hit it a second time, it comes up, but still with the original 'fake' value.
another approach would be to extend the autosearch classes, as shown in the code below (unfortunately the code is commented in german), so autosearchfields of type date are recogniced automatically and the calendar drop down appears. Of course setting today as default is then easy too.
HTH Bernd
{ Description: Diese Unit dient um neue AutoSearchPanels zu erzeugen und im ReportBuilder zu registrieren. Es steht ein Datum-SearchPanel zur Verf?gung, sodass, wenn das Datum als Autosuchfeld angegeben wird, der DateTimePicker angezeigt wird um das gew?nschte Datum einzugeben.
History: JES 2002.12.07 created } unit AutoSearchDialog;
type // Die Klasse TAdvanceAutoSearchDialog dient um beim Anzeigen des Suchdialoges, den richtigen abzufangen und // anzuzeigen. TAdvanceAutoSearchDialog=class(TppAutoSearchDialog) protected // Die Methode GetPanelClassForField ?berpr?ft, ob es sich beim darzustellenden Suchfeld um einen von ReportBuilder // oder implementierten Suchdialog handelt. Falls es sich nicht um den von ReportBuilder handelt, wird die // entsprechende Klasse aufgerufen. procedure GetPanelClassForField(aField: TppAutoSearchField; var aPanelClass: TppAutoSearchPanelClass); override; end;
// Die Klasse TDateSearchPanel dient um einen Datumssuchdialog anzuzeigen. TDateSearchPanel=class(TppSimpleSearchPanel) private dtSearchPicker: TDateTimePicker; protected procedure ShowAllValuesClickEvent(Sender: TObject); override; public // Die Methode Create erzeugt und initialisiert alle Objekte, die f?r diese Klasse notwendig sind. constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override; // Die Methode Destroy gibt wieder alle Objekte frei, die in dieser Klasse initialisiert worden sind. destructor Destroy; override; // Die Methode Init initialisiert DateTimePicker und setzt den richtigen Wert ein. procedure Init; override; // Die Methode Valid setzt das ausgew?hlte Datum ein, falls der Checkbox "Bedienung ausblenden" ausgeschalten bleibt. function Valid: Boolean; override; end;
procedure TAdvanceAutoSearchDialog.GetPanelClassForField( aField: TppAutoSearchField; var aPanelClass: TppAutoSearchPanelClass); begin if aField.DataType=dtDateTime then aPanelClass := TDateSearchPanel; end;
constructor TDateSearchPanel.Create(aOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(aOwner); dtSearchPicker:= nil; end;
destructor TDateSearchPanel.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(dtSearchPicker); inherited; end;
procedure TDateSearchPanel.Init; var stValues: TStrings; begin inherited; EditControl.Visible := False;
stValues:= TStringList.Create; ppParseString(Field.SearchExpression, stValues); if (stValues.Count > 0) then dtSearchPicker.Date := ppStrToDateTime(stValues[0]); FreeAndNil(stValues); end;
procedure TDateSearchPanel.ShowAllValuesClickEvent(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; dtSearchPicker.Enabled:= not(ShowAllValues.Checked); if (dtSearchPicker.Enabled) then dtSearchPicker.SetFocus; end;
function TDateSearchPanel.Valid: Boolean; begin Result := True; Field.ShowAllValues := ShowAllValues.Checked; if not(Field.ShowAllValues) then Field.SearchExpression := DateToStr(dtSearchPicker.Date); end;
create dialogs. So, I am using the data tab for my criteria, and hoping,
that I can set it somewhere on the calc tab. I would like to avoid any
coding at design time so that my users can create their own reports.
Also, using D5 and RB 6 (I think)
You can set the SearchExpression of the AutoSearchDialog before it gets
created in the Report.BeforeAutoSearchDialogCreate event. Inside here you
can use the Report.AutoSearchFields[].SearchExpression to define the default
autosearch value for the dialog. If you do not want to see the dialog, you
can set the Report.ShowAutoSearchDialog to False.
Here is a quick example.
procedure TForm1.ppReport1BeforeAutoSearchDialogCreate(Sender: TObject);
ppReport1.AutoSearchFields[0].SearchExpression := DateToStr(Now());
Note: I created this autosearch field already in DADE.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
design-time??? These are end-user created reports, created at run-time.
You can do this completely at runtime using RAP. RAP (Report Application
Pascal) is ReportBuilder's run-time Pascal development environment. RAP
enables the entire report definition (Data, Calculations, and Layout) to be
stored outside of the application executable. Using RAP you could define the
Report.BeforeAutoSearchDialogCreate event completely in the Report
definition without the need for any Delphi code. RAP only comes with the
Enterprise edition of ReportBuilder. If you would like to find out if it
will work for you, please consider downloading a trial version of
ReportBuilder Enterprise 7.03 and testing with that.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Thanks for answering so far. I do have an Enterprise edition...v6.03. I have
the calc tab and I can get to Report.BeforeAutoSearchDialogCreate...but, I
can not get anything to compile in there. I am using
AutoSearchFields[?]...or whatever the name is, but it will not
compile...doesn't understand what AutoSearchFields[?] is??
Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?
following code...
Report.AutoSearchFields[1].Value := CurrentDate;
I also threw up a memo to show me the search criteria. When running the
report, the memo still shows the original 'fake' date I put in for the
Value...and, when hitting the search criteria button to change it, I get an
error : Could not run program : ReportBeforeAutoSearchCreate. If I hit it a
second time, it comes up, but still with the original 'fake' value. where am I going wrong?
The following code worked for me... Hope this helps.
procedure ReportBeforeAutoSearchDialogCreate;
Report.AutoSearchFields[0].SearchExpression := DateToStr(CurrentDate);
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
another approach would be to extend the autosearch classes, as shown in the
code below (unfortunately the code is commented in german), so
autosearchfields of type date are recogniced automatically and the calendar
drop down appears. Of course setting today as default is then easy too.
Diese Unit dient um neue AutoSearchPanels zu erzeugen und im
ReportBuilder zu registrieren.
Es steht ein Datum-SearchPanel zur Verf?gung, sodass, wenn das Datum als
Autosuchfeld angegeben wird, der
DateTimePicker angezeigt wird um das gew?nschte Datum einzugeben.
JES 2002.12.07 created
unit AutoSearchDialog;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ppForms, ppASCtrl, ppDB, ppTypes, ppUtils, ppASDlg,
ComCtrls, ppASField;
// Die Klasse TAdvanceAutoSearchDialog dient um beim Anzeigen des
Suchdialoges, den richtigen abzufangen und
// anzuzeigen.
// Die Methode GetPanelClassForField ?berpr?ft, ob es sich beim
darzustellenden Suchfeld um einen von ReportBuilder
// oder implementierten Suchdialog handelt. Falls es sich nicht um den
von ReportBuilder handelt, wird die
// entsprechende Klasse aufgerufen.
procedure GetPanelClassForField(aField: TppAutoSearchField; var
aPanelClass: TppAutoSearchPanelClass); override;
// Die Klasse TDateSearchPanel dient um einen Datumssuchdialog anzuzeigen.
dtSearchPicker: TDateTimePicker;
procedure ShowAllValuesClickEvent(Sender: TObject); override;
// Die Methode Create erzeugt und initialisiert alle Objekte, die f?r
diese Klasse notwendig sind.
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override;
// Die Methode Destroy gibt wieder alle Objekte frei, die in dieser
Klasse initialisiert worden sind.
destructor Destroy; override;
// Die Methode Init initialisiert DateTimePicker und setzt den richtigen
Wert ein.
procedure Init; override;
// Die Methode Valid setzt das ausgew?hlte Datum ein, falls der Checkbox
"Bedienung ausblenden" ausgeschalten bleibt.
function Valid: Boolean; override;
procedure TAdvanceAutoSearchDialog.GetPanelClassForField(
aField: TppAutoSearchField; var aPanelClass: TppAutoSearchPanelClass);
if aField.DataType=dtDateTime then
aPanelClass := TDateSearchPanel;
constructor TDateSearchPanel.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(aOwner);
dtSearchPicker:= nil;
destructor TDateSearchPanel.Destroy;
procedure TDateSearchPanel.Init;
stValues: TStrings;
EditControl.Visible := False;
dtSearchPicker:= TDateTimePicker.Create(Self);
dtSearchPicker.Parent:= Self;
dtSearchPicker.DateTime:= Now;
dtSearchPicker.Left:= EditControl.Left;
dtSearchPicker.Top:= EditControl.Top;
dtSearchPicker.Width:= EditControl.Width;
stValues:= TStringList.Create;
ppParseString(Field.SearchExpression, stValues);
if (stValues.Count > 0) then
dtSearchPicker.Date := ppStrToDateTime(stValues[0]);
procedure TDateSearchPanel.ShowAllValuesClickEvent(Sender: TObject);
dtSearchPicker.Enabled:= not(ShowAllValues.Checked);
if (dtSearchPicker.Enabled) then
function TDateSearchPanel.Valid: Boolean;
Result := True;
Field.ShowAllValues := ShowAllValues.Checked;
if not(Field.ShowAllValues) then
Field.SearchExpression := DateToStr(dtSearchPicker.Date);
ppRegisterForm(TppCustomAutoSearchDialog, TAdvanceAutoSearchDialog);