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Bug(?) with pipelines

edited July 2008 in Datapipelines
Hi list,

I'm having a problem with data pipelines.
I created a report and transferred that report to another computer. When I
then got into the data view and click on the preview button of the
pipeline I get more rows than on my system.

The database and all other parameters are exactly the same!

When I then just alter the pipeline, e.g. add or remove a column, the
result is the same as on my system.

I'm using version 10.06 of ReportBuilder. Is this a bug in the
ReportBuilder I'm using (fixed with 10.09 maybe)?

--- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com


  • edited July 2008
    Hi again!

    I just accessed (just opened and closed all pipelines; didn't change
    anything) all pipelines on the target system and saved the report.
    It now works!

    Converting both reports to text files the only differences I got are the

    Created on an MSSQL-Server (didn't work on the target):

    object TppMasterFieldLink
    MasterFieldName = XXX
    GuidCollationType = gcMSSQLServer

    DetailFieldName = XXX
    DetailSortOrder = soAscending

    changed on the target (Interbase):

    object TppMasterFieldLink
    MasterFieldName = XXX
    CollationType = ctASCII
    GuidCollationType = gcString
    DetailFieldName = XXX
    DetailSortOrder = soAscending

    And for the SQL the differences are the following:


    object daSQL14: TdaSQL
    CollationType = ctASCII
    DatabaseName = XXX
    DatabaseType = dtInterBase
    DataPipelineName = XXX


    object daSQL14: TdaSQL
    GuidCollationType = gcMSSQLServer
    DatabaseName = XXX
    DatabaseType = dtMSSQLServer
    DataPipelineName = XXX

    Why should this affect the results?

    Kind regards,

    --- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com
  • edited July 2008
    Does anyone read this list?

    We're having a serious problem here, since reports generated under
    Interbase won't work any more if you change something in the SQL objects
    using the MS SQL server!
    Our customers have the MS SQL Server, Interbase, Oracle and others and
    those reports do not work anymore!

    We tried setting the DatabaseType of the daSQL object to the corresponding
    database (dtOracle, dtMSSQLServer, dtInterbase) which kind of worked, for
    reports created by the MS SQL server, but reports created by Interbase now
    result in error messages because "TABLE_1" can't be found on Oracle or MS
    SQL server.

    The only option we have currently is not using the ReportBuilder any more.
    Do you have any suggestions?


    --- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com
  • edited July 2008
    Please configure your newsreader to post using your name. Currently it
    Christoph _baka0815_ Schwerdtfeger.

    This question should be posted to the DADE newsgroup. Until this post, I had
    no clue what you were trying to accomplish. And even now I do not have all
    the details.

    What type of data connectivity are you using to target all of these
    databases? Prehaps dbExpress?

    Please provide more details about what you are trying to accomplish.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2008
    Hi Nard!

    Well, I'm sorry for my harsh tone!

    The problem we're having is that we need to support multiple databases.

    When we create a report using an InterBase server (and configuring the
    queries in the report itself, that's what I'm referring to as
    datapipelines here) we have no problems using this report on other
    databases. The same goes for reports designed with Oracle or the MS SQL

    The problems start when we try to change a report using a different
    database connection than it was originally designed with.
    If we change a reports with the MS SQL server which was designed using an
    InterBase connection f.e.
    Trying to change those query-objects results in errors and possibly kills
    the report.

    The solution we found for us is to show a warning if we try to change a
    report using a different database than it was previously created with and
    then switch databases to alter that report.

    We're using the BDE actually...

    Kind regards,

    --- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com
  • edited August 2008

    The Designer.DataSettings get assigned to the QueryDataView's internal
    TdaSQL object when the query is first created. You need to assign an
    event-handler to the Report.Template.OnLoadEnd event to iterate over the
    dataviews and update the TdaSQL properties such as DatabaseName,
    DatabaseType, SQLType, etc.

    This example shows how to iterate over the dataviews and update them.


    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2008
    Hi Nard,

    thanks for the answer and for the example.

    We tried that before. Just setting the database type caused us even more
    trouble. We got messages about identifiers which couldn't be bound
    (InterBase uses alias' for every table like "table_1" which confuses other
    database systems).
    It works okay as long as we do not change the report.

    It wasn't easy to track that down because of the behaviour we got. It is
    as I stated in my first message here.

    What I did was changing a report (which was designed on an InterBase
    database) with the MSSQL Server. After changing some SQL objects I got
    messages about columns which couldn't be bound (table_1, etc. see above).
    I the manually corrected all table names and removed the unnecessary alias'.
    I was able to preview the report on the MSSQL Server now and the report
    worked just fine.

    But when I used that (changed) report on an InterBase database I got the
    funniest results. Some lines where doubled, tripled or even more (the max
    was 16x the number of data in the report as it was in the database).

    When I then opened the report using the InterBase database and just
    accessed all SQL objects in the report (just opening and clicking "ok")
    the report worked just fine on the InterBase server (no more duplicated
    rows) - but now the report didn't work on the MSSQL server anymore.

    This all comes down to the InterBase alias' phenomenon I guess and so we
    give a warning before changing a report if the database, the report was
    created with differs from the current.

    I'm not sure if there's anything you can do about the problem because it
    seems to not be a "standard use" of the ReportBuilder. :)

    Kind regards,

    --- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com
  • edited August 2008

    When you open each query and click Ok, that is the same as iterating over
    the dataviews and updating the SQL object. If you do it once for Interbase
    and then switch to MSSQL and do it again, does it remove the Interbase
    aliasing and get it working again? I don't know if that will help any, give
    it a try.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.