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Weird behaviour

edited November 2008 in Datapipelines
I got a report which display all values correctly on the Preview Screen.

When I click forward page-1, page2 and page3
All figures on detail lines, sub total, and total printed correctly.

However when I click Back Button from page 3 to page 2 on the Preview Screen
then the report display wrong total value on page 2
(this total value on page 2, display correctly on the first time I run the
report in the Preview Screen)

When I click Back Button again from page-2 to page-1,
and then click Forward Button again from page-1 to page-2
then the subtotal in page-2 became correct.

Total value on page-2 displayed incorrectly when:
I go from page-3 then go back to page-2

Total value on page-2 will display correctly when:
I go back from page 3, page-2 then page-1,
then click forward button from page-1, page-2 then page-3

This is strange...


  • edited November 2008
    Hi Dan,

    Which version of ReportBuilder are you using?

    How are you calculating the total values? If you are using TppVariables,
    you need to be sure you make all calculations inside the OnCalc event.

    Try setting the Report.CachePages property to True and see if that solves
    the issue.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2008
    I set Report.CachePages property to True and it solves,
    Thank you.

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