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Newbie End User Questions

edited December 2004 in End User
Hello All:

I would like to implement end user reporting in our application. We use
Delphi 5 and ReportBuilder 6.03.

We have figured out the basics by studying the demos. We have gotten the
calc tab and our own custom components to show up in the end user report


1) The icon for my custom component shows on my component pallete but
does not show up in the end user palette ( the end user palette shows the
default Delphi icon when no icon is specified ). How can I fix this ???

2) Is it possible to change which toolbars the ReportBuilder components
show up on ???

3) Is the pop-up menu the only way to edit the properties of each field
(We think yes) ???

4) I have studied the menus and need to add my own properties for my own
components. I know to do this thru the Menu property. How do I add my own
custom editor ( ie like the editor for the Displayformat property ) ???

5) How could I build my own property display mechanism into the end user
Designer ( ie if I wanted to build my own object inspector component - I
know how to build it but dont know how to connect it ) - any suggestions on
where to research this at ???

Thank you.

Neil Huhta
Profit Monster Data Systems LLC


  • edited December 2004

    RB 9 includes an object inspector.

    For an example of a custom component and associated custom icon, check out

    Components are registered to appear on a specific toolbar. You would need
    unregister and re-register them to change that behavior. See the
    registration code in ppClass.pas.

    You can add custom dialogs for properties. For an example see the source
    code that creates and shows the DisplayFormat dialog (the code is probably
    in ppCtrls.pas).

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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